if(err){returnmessage.channel.send("There was an error in trying to do that!");}
letconf=awaitask(message,`Are you sure you want to decline ${client.utils.ps(message.guild.members.cache.get(person).displayName)} marriage request?`,60000);
if(!mention){returnmessage.channel.send("You have to mention the person you'd like to marry!");}
if(!message.guild.members.cache.has(mention.id)){returnmessage.channel.send("I can't find that user! Make sure they're in this server before trying to marry them, or go to a server they're in. If you're certain that person is in this server, then wait for them to come online and send a message first; that might help.");}
if(mention.id===client.user.id){returnmessage.channel.send("I'm actually already married! Well, I will be soon, to my girlfriend Tamaki. I love her very much <:NC_hearty:841489530413383712>");}
if(mention.bot){returnmessage.channel.send("Us bots aren't smart enough to respond to a marriage request and we're really too boring to wanna marry in the first place, so I'll just stop you in your tracks now.");}
.setDescription(`With the powers invested in me by Wubzy ~~and myself because I'm cool like that~~, I now pronounce ${message.member.displayName} and ${message.guild.members.cache.get(ou.uid).displayName} a married couple till debt and richer Discord users do you part.`)
if(client.misc.cache.marriageRequests.has(message.author.id)){returnmessage.channel.send("You're already waiting on another marriage response.");}
if(client.misc.cache.marriageRequests.filter(u=>u===ou.uid).size>10){returnmessage.channel.send("*10 people are waiting on a response to marry this person. Yikes.*");}
returnmessage.channel.send(`<@${ou.uid}>, you have a marriage request from ${message.member.displayName}. Send \`${prefix}marry @${message.member.displayName}\` to accept!`);