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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Kit Kasune 2456034726 basic utils 2 years ago
Kit Kasune 8018ff8dd9 skeleton the bot! 2 years ago
  1. 34
  2. 11
  3. 22

@ -1,5 +1,31 @@
const dbConnect = require('./src/db/connect'); const Discord = require('discord.js');
const r = async () => {
await dbConnect({auth: require('./src/json/auth.json'), config: {logLevel: 1}}); const auth = require('./src/json/auth.json');
const config = require('./src/json/config.json');
const randresp = require('./src/json/randresp.json');
const log = require('./src/util/log/log');
const flags = Discord.GatewayIntentBits;
const partials = Discord.Partials;
let fl = []; Object.keys(flags).forEach(flag => fl.push(flags[flag])); // fuck new standards i'm in't'zing with all the flags.
const client = new Discord.Client({intents: fl, partials: [partials.Channel, partials.Message, partials.Reaction]});
// a "fuck v14" counter is gonna be here real soon i can feel it.
const startBot = async () => {
client.config = config;
client.auth = auth;
client.config.randResp = randresp;
require('./src/util/misc/setutils')(client); // add some basic swiss army knife utils
const loggers = log(client);
Object.keys(loggers).forEach(logger => client[logger] = loggers[logger]);
client.log(, {color: "#78d9f8", source: "NATS"});
}; };
r(); startBot();
// feels like there isn't a function name to do this justice :joy:
// to do list:
// TODO check log files later for cleanup, config, and util optimization
// TODO check connect file later for ^

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"clistart": [
"Let me go wake Natsuki real quick...",
"You were looking for Natsuki? I'll grab her, give me just a sec.",
"Natsuki's not here right now... she can take a message... ehe...",
"Ughhhh. Yet again with your beckoning call.",
"I think Natsuki mentioned something about wanting to rest... I'm guessing that won't be happening?",
"*in robotic voice* starting up. booting now. am i convincing yet?",
"Sure sure I'd love to be bothered by Discord users all day. It's not like I had anything else to do, really."

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module.exports = client => {
client.utils = {}; //small collection of basic string manipulation utilities so prettier strings are easier
//pluralize most strings based on a number
client.utils.s = num => num === 1 ? '' : 's';
//pluralize but pass in the text to make plural = (num, text) => `${text}${client.utils.s(num)}`;
// "a" or "an" based on the provided string, caps to begin with capital letter = (text, caps) => `${caps ? 'A' : 'a'}${['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'].includes(text.toLowerCase().trim().slice(0, 1)) ? 'n' : ''} ${text}`;
//capitalize a string automatically, "a" if rest of string should be automatically lowercased
client.utils.c = (text, a=true) => `${text.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${a ? text.slice(1).toLowerCase() : text.slice(1)}`;
//split text into words and autocap each one = (text, a=true) => text.split(/\s+/gm).map(t => client.utils.c(t, a)).join(" ");
//format a moment-presice-range object = (mpr, ago=true) => `${mpr.years ? `${mpr.years} year${client.utils.s(mpr.years)} ` : ''}${mpr.months ? `${mpr.months} month${client.utils.s(mpr.months)} ` : ''}${mpr.days} day${client.utils.s(mpr.days)}${ago ? ' ago' : ''}`;
//add a grammatically correct possessive indicator to the end of a word/string
client.utils.p = (text) => text.endsWith('s') ? "'" : "'s";
//possessivise but pass in the text to possessivize = (text) => `${text}${client.utils.p(text)}`;
//random element of array = list => list[Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length)];