}else{returnmessage.channel.send("Valid `list` args: `<create|delete|list|listName>`. If you tried to specify a list name, it may not exist or you don't have any lists.");}
}else{returnmessage.channel.send("Valid `list` args: `<create|delete|list|listName>`. If you tried to specify a list name, it may not exist or you don't have any lists.");}
if(!args.length){returnmessage.channel.send(`You must specify what you want to do with your list! Use \`${prefix}help todo\` if you're confused.`);}
if(td&&td.lists[list].length===25){returnmessage.channel.send("Sorry, but your list can only have 25 items or less.");}
if(td&&td.lists[list].length===25){returnmessage.channel.send("Sorry, but your list can only have 25 items or less.");}
if(!args[1]){item=awaitask(message,"What would you like to add to your quick list?",90000);if(!item){return;}}
if(!args[1]){item=awaitask(message,`What would you like to add to your \`${list}\` list?`,90000);if(!item){return;}}
else{args.shift();item=args.join(" ");}
else{args.shift();item=args.join(" ");}
if(item.length>100){returnmessage.channel.send("ToDo items can only be less than 100 characters.");}
if(item.length>100){returnmessage.channel.send("ToDo items can only be less than 100 characters.");}
if(!items.length){message.channel.send(`What would you like to add to your \`${list}\` list? You're in multiple addition mode, which means you can keep adding items to your list until you say 'done'. To add a new item, just send it in a message.`);}
.setDescription(`In ${list==='quick'?"your personal quick list":`list \`${list}\``}\n- ${items.join('\n- ')}`)
if(reachedMax){resembed.addField("Notice","The list addition process was automatically stopped because your list reached the maximum limit of 25 items.");}