Create a pagination based on a list of Discord MessageEmbeds.
Paginations work based off of reactions, and the pages are cycled with the click of the reaction. Pass in the message channel object, a list of embeds, the original message, and your Discord.Client object.
let pages = [/*List of Discord.MessageEmbeds*/];
let help = new Pagination(, pages, message, client);
await help.setPage(1); //Pages start at 1
await help.setControllers(); //Set the reaction controllers
// OR you can call .start() to do all of this for you.
await help.start({
endTime: 60000 /*Time in ms before the pagination times out to save memory*/,
startPage: 3 /*Page num to start on*/,
user: 'discord_member_id' /*ID of a member that the Pagination will only listen to*/
}); //All of these are optional.
_Please note that the Pagination class is still in the works. Only one bug is currently known, and it's that the Pagination will error when a user tries to end the pagination in a DM channel, but this error is not extremely high-level and shouldn't have any major effects on your node process._
_Another note: you'll want to go into the pagination.js file and search for .setFooter() and change the name Natsuki to whatever name your bot is_