if(tar.triggers.length===20){returnmessage.channel.send("Because of data storage concerns, your ARs are capped at 20 per server. You can join the official support server and talk to the devs if you have a legitimate reason for raising this limit and they can see about raising it for you!");}
if(tar.triggers.length===20){returnmessage.channel.send("Because of data storage concerns, your ARs are capped at 20 per server. You can join the official support server and talk to the devs if you have a legitimate reason for raising this limit and they can see about raising it for you!");}
message.reply('Hey there! You asked me to clear your status when you send a message next, so I went ahead and did that for you.').then(m=>{m.delete({timeout:5000});});
message.reply('Hey there! You asked me to clear your status when you send a message next, so I went ahead and did that for you.').then(m=>{m.delete({timeout:5000});});
console.log(`${chalk.gray('[PROC]')} >> ${chalk.blueBright(`Cached`)}${chalk.white(`${client.misc.cache.ar.size}`)}${chalk.blueBright(`guilds with auto responses.`)}`);