You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
6.3 KiB

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const moment = require('moment');
const {Tag} = require('../util/tag');
const {TagFilter} = require('../util/tagfilter');
const deaths = [
"watching too much anime", "an overdose of waifus", "Hypotakunemia", "trying to self-isekai",
"Bass:tm:", "cranking the music just a little too loud", "trying to swim in lava", "an unknown cause",
]; // a list of preset death methods that can occur
const before = [
"A name is being written...", "Someone will perish soon...", "A body is *about* to be discovered...",
"{p} is scribbling something in their notebook...", "\*Manical laughter echoes around you*...",
"{p} laughs maniacally..."
]; // things it says before the response is sent
const responses = {
/*an obj controlling the possible formats for the death note report*/
news: {
titles: ["Breaking News"],
texts: [
"This just in: **{p}** was found dead at **{ds}** today.\n\nAfter some investigation, the authorities ruled the cause of death to be **{c}**.",
"We're now live at the crime scene where it is believed that **{p}** died because of **{c}**.",
"Authorities are reporting what is believed to be another Kira case, where **{c}** has taken the life of **{p}**."
images: [],
}, // a news report of the dead body
writes: {
titles: ["Something sinister just happened", "A name has been written", "Fate has been changed"],
texts: [
"With a maniacal laugh, **{w}** writes \"**{p}**\" in their Death Note. And the cause of death? They've written **{c}**.",
"**{w}** has sealed **{pa}** fate to die by **{c}**."
images: []
}, // "so-and-so writes blah blah blah's name in their death note"
/*hasdied: {
texts: [],
images: []
}, // "so-and-so has died by...",
unserious: {
texts: [],
images: []
} // other methods, mainly the un-serious or joking ones */
//responses.unserious.images = responses.hasdied.images;
module.exports = {
name: "deathnote",
aliases: ['dn'],
help: new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Help -> Death Note")
.setDescription("Congratulations! You've picked up a death note. Write someone's name in it, and see for yourself if it's the real deal...")
.addField("Syntax", "\`deathnote <@member> [method of death]\`"),
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
if (!message.guild) {return message.reply("Unfortunately, this is a **guild-only** command!");}
if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}deathnote <@member> [method of death]\``);}
if (args[0] == "kill" || args[0] == "k") {args.shift();} // if someone adds in 'kill' it'll remove it and act like it wasn't there, proceeding as normal.
//if (!args[0].trim().match(/^<@(?:\!?)\d+>$/)) {return message.reply("You have to mention someone!");}
if (mention && == {return message.reply("Hehe I won't let you write your own name in the notebook! Just leave it somewhere for a few days and someone else will take it. Maybe they'll write your name...");} // users can't mention themselves
if (mention && == {return message.reply("You can't kill me! Little did you know, I'm actually a death god!");}
//TODO if bot is mentioned maybe
let death = deaths[Math.floor(Math.random() * deaths.length)]; //kill method
let reptype = responses[Object.keys(responses)[Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.keys(responses).length)]]; // report type
let title = reptype.titles[Math.floor(Math.random() * reptype.titles.length)];
let options = new TagFilter([
new Tag(['method', '-m', 'cause', '-c'], 'method', 'append'),
new Tag(['victim', 'v', 'against', 'a', 'name', 'n'], 'victim', 'append')
]).test(args.join(" "));
if (options.method && options.method.length) {death = options.method;}
if (!mention && (!options.victim || !options.victim.length)) {return message.reply("You have to write their name down in order to kill them! (In other words, please mention the user whose name you wish to write.)");}
if (options.victim && options.victim.length) {
let vargs = options.victim.trim().split(/\s+/g);
let nvargs = [];
let varg; for (varg of vargs) {
if (varg.match(/^<@(?:\!?)\d+>$/)) {
nvargs.push(message.guild.members.cache.has(varg.slice(\d/),'>'))) ? message.guild.members.cache.get(varg.slice(\d/),'>'))).displayName : varg);
} else {nvargs.push(varg);}
options.victim = nvargs.join(" ").trim();
let victim = options.victim && options.victim.length ? options.victim : message.mentions.members.first().displayName;
let killer = message.member;
let pretext = before[Math.floor(Math.random() * before.length)].replace(/{p}/g, victim);
let note = await Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setFooter("Natsuki", client.user.avatarURL())
await require('../util/wait')(2500);
let text = reptype.texts[Math.floor(Math.random() * reptype.texts.length)]
.replace(/{p}/g, victim) //{p} = victim
.replace(/{pa}/g, victim.toLowerCase().endsWith('s') ? `${victim}'` : `${victim}'s`) //{pa} = victim but with a formatted apostrophe like "WubzyGD's"
.replace(/{c}/g, death) // {c} = death method
.replace(/{w}/g, killer.displayName) // {w} = killer or writer
.replace(/{ds}/g, moment().format("h:mm a")); // {ds} = date small, basically just the time.
// Create and format the kill text
let finalEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
if (mention) {finalEmbed.setThumbnail(mention.avatarURL({size: 1024}));}
return note.edit(finalEmbed);