if(!message.guild){returnmessage.reply("Unfortunately, this is a **guild-only** command!");}
if(!args.length){returnmessage.channel.send(`Syntax: \`${prefix}deathnote <@member> [method of death]\``);}
if(args[0]=="kill"||args[0]=="k"){args.shift();}// if someone adds in 'kill' it'll remove it and act like it wasn't there, proceeding as normal.
if(!mention){returnmessage.reply("You have to write their name down in order to kill them! (In other words, please mention the user whose name you wish to write.)");}
if(!args[0].trim().match(/^<@(?:\!?)\d+>$/)){returnmessage.reply("You have to mention someone!");}
.replace(/{pa}/g,victim.displayName.toLowerCase().endsWith('s')?`${victim.displayName}'`:`${victim.displayName}'s`)//{pa} = victim but with a formatted apostrophe like "WubzyGD's"
.replace(/{c}/g,death)// {c} = death method
.replace(/{w}/g,killer.displayName)// {w} = killer or writer
.replace(/{ds}/g,moment().format("h:mm a"));// {ds} = date small, basically just the time.