const Discord = require('discord.js'); const GuildData = require('../../models/guild'); const ask = require('../../util/ask'); module.exports = { name: "starboard", aliases: ['sb'], help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> StarBoard") .setDescription("Setup and view information on this server's starboard! This allows messages to be sent to a dedicated channel when they receive a set number of star messages.") .addField("Syntax", "`starboard <setup|view|enable|disable|toggle>`") .addField("Notice", "You must have the staff-role or be an admin in order to set up or toggle the starboard"), meta: { category: 'Social', description: "Set up a star board to feature users' messages in", syntax: '`starboard <setup|view|enable|disable|toggle>`', extra: null }, async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!message.guild) {return message.reply("You must be in a server in order to use this command.");} if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}starboard <setup|view|enable|disable|toggle>\``);} let tg = await GuildData.findOne({gid:}) ? await GuildData.findOne({gid:}) : new GuildData({gid:}); if (['v', 'view', 'c', 'check'].includes(args[0])) {return message.reply(tg.starchannel.length ? tg.starsenabled ? `I'm watching for stars in <#${tg.starchannel}>. Messages will be Starred when they receive ${tg.starreq} :star: reactions.` : "StarBoard has been set up for this server, but isn't enabled at this time." : "StarBoard has not yet been set up in this server. You can do so with `" + prefix + "starboard setup`.");} if ((tg.staffrole.length && !message.member.roles.cache.has(tg.staffrole)) && !message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")) {return"You don't have permissions to edit starboard settings in this server!");} if (['setup', 's', 'config', 'c'].includes(args[0])) { if (tg.starchannel.length) {"You already have a starboard set up in your server! This means that by continuing the setup, you'll be overwriting your previous settings.");} let ch = await ask(message, 'What channel would you like the starboard to be in? (Time: 30s)', 30000); if (!ch) {return;} if (ch.match(/^<#(?:\d+)>$/) && message.guild.channels.cache.has(ch.slice(\d/),'>')))) {tg.starchannel = ch.slice(\d/),'>'));} else if (message.guild.channels.cache.has(ch)) {tg.starchannel = ch;} else {return message.reply("Please specify a channel that actually exists! Try again.");} let starNum = await ask(message, 'How many stars should be reacted to a message in order for it to be starred? Please just send a number. (Time: 30s)', 30000); if (!starNum) {return;} if (isNaN(Number(starNum))) {return message.reply("That isn't a number! Please try again.");} starNum = Number(starNum); if (starNum < 3) {return message.reply("You need to have at least 3 stars. Try again");} if (starNum > 100) {return message.reply("You can't require more than 100 stars! Try again.");} tg.starreq = starNum; tg.starsenabled = true;; return`Got it! I will now be watching for messages with at least ${starNum} reactions, and I'll send them to <#${tg.starchannel}>!`); } else if (['e', 'enable'].includes(args[0]) || (['t', 'toggle'].includes(args[0]) && !tg.starsenabled)) { if (tg.starsenabled) {return message.reply("StarBoard is already enabled in this server!");} if (!tg.starchannel.length) {return message.reply(`Please setup StarBoard first! \`${prefix}starboard setup\`.`);} tg.starsenabled = true;; return`I've re-enabled your StarBoard. It's kept the same settings as you had when you disabled it!`); } else if (['d', 'disable'].includes(args[0]) || (['t', 'toggle'].includes(args[0]) && tg.starsenabled)) { if (!tg.starsenabled) {return message.reply("StarBoard is already disabled in this server!");} if (!tg.starchannel.length) {return message.reply(`Please setup StarBoard first! \`${prefix}starboard setup\`.`);} tg.starsenabled = false;; return`I've disabled your StarBoard. Your StarBoard configuration will be kept for if/when you re-enable StarBoard.`); } else {return message.reply(`Invalid arg! Syntax: \`${prefix}starboard <setup|view|enable|disable|toggle>\``);} } };