const Discord = require('discord.js'); const fs = require('fs'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const ora = require('ora'); const UserData = require("../../models/user"); module.exports = { name: "reload", aliases: ['relog', 'rel', 'refresh'], help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> System Reloading") .setDescription("Reloads the system extensions by refreshing all command and event files into client without terminating the node process. *Hi I'm Wubzy and this makes no sense to anyone but discord.js devs because we're nerds*") .addField("Syntax", "`refresh [log]`. Adding 'log' will log to the console as though the bot were in startup.") .addField("Notice", "This command is only available to Luno developers."), meta: { category: 'Developer', description: "Refresh all client commands and events and clear most of the require cache. Only two people can use this command and they're probably not you.", syntax: '`reload`', extra: null }, async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!args.length) { let timer = new Date().getTime(); if (!client.developers.includes( && !== "480535078150340609") {return"You must be a Luno developer in order to do this!");} let commands = fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js')); let dirSet = new Map(); fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => !file.includes('.')).forEach(dir => fs.readdirSync(`./commands/${dir}`).filter(file => file.endsWith('.js')).forEach(x => {commands.push(x); dirSet.set(x, dir)})); console.log(`\n${chalk.yellow('[WARN]')} >> ${chalk.gray('Reload:')} ${chalk.white('All commands and events are being reloaded!')}`); console.log(`${chalk.gray('[INFO]')} >> ${chalk.hex('ff4fd0')(`Developer ${} initiated the system refresh`)}\n`); let cmdspinner = ora('Loading Commands')).start(); ['commands', 'aliases'].forEach(x => client[x] = new Discord.Collection()); for (let commandf of commands) { if (Object.keys(require.cache).includes(require.resolve(`../../commands/${dirSet.has(commandf) ? `${dirSet.get(commandf)}/`: ''}${commandf}`))) {delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../../commands/${dirSet.has(commandf) ? `${dirSet.get(commandf)}/`: ''}${commandf}`)];} let command = require(`../../commands/${dirSet.has(commandf) ? `${dirSet.get(commandf)}/`: ''}${commandf}`); client.commands.set(, command); if (command.aliases) {command.aliases.forEach(a => client.aliases.set(a,;} } cmdspinner.stop(); cmdspinner.clear(); console.log(`${chalk.gray('[PROC]')} >> ${'Loaded all Commands')}`); let eventspinner = ora('Loading Events')).start(); let eventFilter = fs.readdirSync('./events/').filter(x => x.endsWith('.js')); for (let file of eventFilter) { let evtName = file.split('.')[0]; if (Object.keys(require.cache).includes(require.resolve('../../events/' + file))) {delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../events/' + file)];} let evt = require('../../events/' + file); client.removeAllListeners(evtName); client.on(evtName, evt.bind(null, client)); } eventspinner.stop(); eventspinner.clear(); console.log(`${chalk.gray('[PROC]')} >> ${'Loaded all Events')}`); let rspspinner = ora('Loading Commands')).start(); let responses = fs.readdirSync('./responses').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js')); client.responses.triggers = []; for (let responsef of responses) { if (Object.keys(require.cache).includes(require.resolve(`../../responses/${responsef}`))) {delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../../responses/${responsef}`)];} let response = require(`../../responses/${responsef}`); client.responses.triggers.push([, response.condition]); client.responses.commands.set(, response); } rspspinner.stop(); rspspinner.clear(); console.log(`${chalk.gray('[PROC]')} >> ${'Loaded all Responses')}`); console.log(`\n${chalk.gray('[INFO]')} >> ${chalk.hex('ff4fd0')(`Client refresh successful`)}\n`); return`Done! Reloaded ${commands.length} commands, ${eventFilter.length} events, and ${responses.length} responses in ${new Date().getTime() - timer}ms.`); } if (['l', 'log', 'ns', 'nosilent', 'notsilent'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { ['commands', 'aliases'].forEach(x => client[x] = new Discord.Collection()); client.responses = {triggers: [], commands: new Discord.Collection()}; ['command', 'event', 'response'].forEach(x => require(`./${x}`)(client)); return"Done!"); } if (['c', 'cmd', 'command'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { let timer = new Date().getTime(); if (!args[1]) {return"Oi there you headass! You have to actually tell me what command to reload!");} let tc = args[1].toLowerCase(); let lf = client.commands.get(tc) || client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(tc)); lf = lf ? : tc; let res; fs.readdirSync(`./commands`).forEach(x => { if (!x.includes('.')) {fs.readdirSync(`./commands/${x}`).forEach(y => {if (`${lf}.js` === y) {res = `../../commands/${x}/${y}`;}});} else {if (x === `${lf}.js`) {res = `../../commands/${x}`;}} }); if (!res) {return"I can't reload that command as I can't find file!");} if (require.resolve(res) in require.cache) {delete require.cache[require.resolve(res)];} client.commands.set(lf, require(res)); return`Reloaded command \`${lf}\` in ${new Date().getTime() - timer}ms`); } else {return"Oi! 'log' is the only valid arg to use. Use no args if you want a cleaner console output instead.");} } };