Update README to fit Luno

Kit Kasune 4 years ago
parent ce979d198e
commit d5d34c848f
  1. 78

@ -1,77 +1,23 @@
# Luno
The official repository of Luno the Discord Bot. Currently in the Early Development phase, and is expected to release to a few servers and eventually bot lists relatively soon.
The official repository of the Kit Discord bot, which is the mascot of [Crescent's Family](https://discord.gg/crescent)
## Utils
*Some useful stuff we have in our bot that you can make use of!*
Just about anything in the utils folder could be useful for a number of reasons, but here's a few big ones:
### Tags
> util/tagfilter.js and util/tag.js
Pass in a list of Tags. Each Tag has a list of triggers, its name, then its mode.
- `toggle` = takes no options. If the tag is present, it will view as `true` in `options`.
- `append` = forms a string from the text after the tag. `-title Something Cool` will return the string `Something Cool`. Will append from all tags that trigger the alias, so if multiple `title` tags are present, all of them will be present in the same string.
- `listAppend` = Behaves like `append`, with the exception that it will return a list where each member is a string for every time the tag is used; see example below
let options = new TagFilter([
new Tag(['t', '-title'], 'title', 'append'),
new Tag(['a', 'aliases', 'alts'], 'aliases', 'listAppend'),
new Tag(['f', 'force'], 'force', 'toggle')
]).test(args.join(" "));
// -title Example -a AnotherName -a Some other name -f
// options will look like this
title: "Example",
aliases: ["AnotherName", "Some other name"],
force: true
## Info
### Quick awaitMessages
> util/ask.js
### Devs
Ask a question and wait for an answer. Returns the string of the user's response, or nothing if there was no response. **Function is asynchronous!**
[![WubzyGD](https://api.slushie.gg/avatar/330547934951112705?size=32&format=gif)](https://github.com/WubzyGD "Wubzy's GitHub") WubzyGD - Primary developer -> _The JavaScript nerd, of course he is_
> **Add Akrasia when I have wifi lul**
*Please make sure you account for the chance of timeout.*
### Purpose
Pass in your `message` object, the question to ask, the time - in ms - the user has to respond, and an optional boolean of whether or not to disable the filter, which would make it so that any user can answer the question.
Luno is written to help manage [Crescent's Family](https://discord.gg/crescent), including its self roles, moderation, and staff management.
let name = await ask(message, "What is your name?", 30000);
if (!name) {return;} // Function already sends a timeout message, just return here to stop the command from continuing.
return message.channel.send(`Hiya there, ${name}!`);
Luno doesn't join other servers, and just stays right here in its home server!
new Pagination()
Feel free to contribute, though.
### Pagination
> util/pagination.ts
Create a pagination based on a list of Discord MessageEmbeds.
Paginations work based off of reactions, and the pages are cycled with the click of the reaction. Pass in the message channel object, a list of embeds, the original message, and your Discord.Client object.
let pages = [/*List of Discord.MessageEmbeds*/];
let help = new Pagination(message.channel, pages, message, client);
await help.setPage(1); //Pages start at 1
await help.setControllers(); //Set the reaction controllers
// OR you can call .start() to do all of this for you.
await help.start({
endTime: 60000 /*Time in ms before the pagination times out to save memory*/,
startPage: 3 /*Page num to start on*/,
user: 'discord_member_id' /*ID of a member that the Pagination will only listen to*/
}); //All of these are optional.
## Utils
_Please note that the Pagination class is still in the works. Only one bug is currently known, and it's that the Pagination will error when a user tries to end the pagination in a DM channel, but this error is not extremely high-level and shouldn't have any major effects on your node process._
Want to make use of some awesome utilities that we use? Check out [Natsuki](https://git.wubzy.xyz/NatsukiDev/Natsuki) ([GitHub](https://github.com/NatsukiDev/Natsuki))
_Another note: you'll want to go into the pagination.js file and search for .setFooter() and change the name Luno to whatever name your bot is_
_Or just... look at /util_