diff --git a/commands/social/creampie.js b/commands/social/creampie.js index 40f113d..b52a03e 100644 --- a/commands/social/creampie.js +++ b/commands/social/creampie.js @@ -5,26 +5,44 @@ const makeId = require('../../util/makeid'); module.exports = { name: "creampie", + help: "Show the world your creaming skils with `{{p}}creampie @person`!", aliases: ['creampie'], - help: "Show the world your creaming skils with {{p}}creampie!", meta: { category: 'Social', description: "Give the gift of a creampie!", - syntax: '`creampie`', + syntax: '`Creampie <@user>`', extra: null }, async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { let savess = await Saves.findOne({name: 'creampie'}) ? await Saves.findOne({name: 'creampie'}) : new Saves({name: 'creampie'}); let saves = savess.saves; - if (!args.length) {return message.channel.send(new Discord.MessageEmbed() - .setTitle(`${message.guild ? message.member.displayName : message.author.username} gave out a massive creampie!`) - .setImage(String(Array.from(saves.values())[Math.floor(Math.random() * saves.size)])) - .setColor('fffdd0') - );} + if (!args.length) { + let name = message.guild ? message.member.displayName : message.author.username; + return message.channel.send(message.guild ? new Discord.MessageEmbed() + .setTitle(`${name} needs a creampie!`) + .setThumbnail(message.author.avatarURL({size: 2048})) + .setDescription(`Help with their..ahem..problem..with \`${prefix}creampie @${name}\`!`) + .setColor('fffdd0') + .setFooter('Luno', client.user.avatarURL()) + .setTimestamp() + : "Do. Not. Touch. Me." + );} + if (mention && args[0].match(/^<@(?:!?)(?:\d+)>$/)) { + if (!message.guild) {return message.reply("No means no.");} + if (!message.guild.members.cache.has(mention.id)) {return message.reply("I guess they didn't want your creampie..");} + if (message.author.id === mention.id) {return message.reply("You can't give yourself a creampie..weirdo.");} + let name = message.guild ? message.member.displayName : message.author.username; + let uname = message.guild.members.cache.get(mention.id).displayName; + return message.channel.send(new Discord.MessageEmbed() + .setAuthor(`${message.guild ? message.member.displayName : message.author.username} gives a massive creampie to ${message.guild.members.cache.get(mention.id).displayName}..Tasty!`, message.author.avatarURL()) + .setImage(String(Array.from(saves.values())[Math.floor(Math.random() * saves.size)])) + .setColor('bb0a1e') + ); + } if (['s', 'save', 'n', 'new', 'a', 'add'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { if (!args[1]) {return message.channel.send('oi there cunt, give me a link of an image to add!');} let tu = await UserData.findOne({uid: message.author.id}); - if ((!tu || !tu.developer) && !client.misc.savers.includes(message.author.id)) {return message.reply("You must be a Luno Developer in order to add new creampie GIFs.");} + if ((!tu || !tu.developer) && !client.developers.includes(message.author.id) && !client.misc.savers.includes(message.author.id)) {return message.reply("You must be a Luno Developer in order to add new creampie GIFs.");} let e = true; let id; while (e === true) {id = makeId(6); if (!saves.has(id)) {e = false;}}