You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
5.0 KiB

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const UserData = require('../models/user');
const ask = require('../util/ask');
module.exports = {
name: "crescent",
help: new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Help -> ")
.addField("Syntax", "``"),
async condition (message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {return === "480535078150340609"},
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
const inc = (m,s) => s ? s.toLowerCase().includes(m) : msg.includes(m);
const is = m => msg.trim() === m;
function incl(ml, s) {let tm; for (tm of ml) {if (inc(tm, s)) {return true;}}}
if (incl(["thanks luno", "thank you luno", "ty luno"])) {
const r = ["Anything for my favorite femboy ;)", "Anytime Crescent ;)", "Of course Crescent ;)"];
return[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]);
if (incl(["fuck off luno", "shut up luno", "fuck you luno"])) {
const r = ["I was only trying to help Crescent..", "Someone's in a bad mood..", "I will peg you.", "I just wanted to make you happy Cres :("];
return[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]);
if (incl(["heya luno", "hi luno", "sup luno", "what's up luno", "whats up luno", "hey luno", "hai luno", "howdy luno", "yo luno"])) {
3 years ago
const r = ["Heya there Crescent! How are ya?", "Hi cutie ^^ What's up?", "Sup qt ;) Hru?", "What's up my favorite femboy?"];
await[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]);
try {
let content = await => === "480535078150340609", {max: 1, errors: ['time'], time: 60000, maxMatches: 1});
content = content.first().content;
if (incl(["not so good", "not good", "not pog"], content.toLowerCase())) {
const r2 = ["Aw :( I sowwy", "y sadge moment?", "Did Sen call you gay again..."];
3 years ago
await[Math.floor(Math.random() * r2.length)]);
try {
content = await => === "480535078150340609", {max: 1, errors: ['time'], time: 60000, maxMatches: 1});
content = content.first().content;
} catch {}
if (content.toLowerCase().includes("good")) {
const r2 = ["That's good to hear qt ^^", "Me too!", ":) Glad to know my favorite femboy is doing well!"];
return[Math.floor(Math.random() * r2.length)]);
} catch {}
3 years ago
if (content.toLowerCase().includes("horny")) {
const r2 = ["O-oh..are you now..?", "Maybe we should go to dms for a bit ;)", "Stop. This is an SFW server Cres, you know that."];
return[Math.floor(Math.random() * r2.length)]);
if (incl(['gn luno', 'goodnight luno', 'night luno'])) {
const r = ["Goodnight! :)", "Night Cres, I hope the server hasn't beckoned your wake for too long.", "I hope you're off to get some good sleep ^^ I don't get tired but... maybe I could pretend to be just for you...? :eyes:"];`${r[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]} Want me to set your status before you go off?`);
let to = false; let sconf;
try {sconf = await => === "480535078150340609", {time: 15000, errors: ['time'], max: 1});}
3 years ago
catch {"Oh, I guess she already went to bed, huh? I'll just... set her status anyways-"); to = true;}
if (sconf) {sconf = sconf.first().content.trim().toLowerCase();}
if (to || incl(['ye', 'mhm', 'sure'], sconf)) {
let w = await UserData.findOne({uid:});
w.statusclearmode = 'manual';
w.statusmsg = "Sleeping";
w.statussetat = new Date();
let tempDate = new Date();
w.statusclearat = tempDate.setHours(tempDate.getHours() + 12);
w.statustype = 'dnd';;
if (!to) {"Okay! I set your status for you. Get some good sleep; I'll make sure the server's safe for you.");}
} else {return"Alrighty. Have a good night, my favorite femboy");}
3 years ago
if (incl(['love you', 'wub you', 'love u', 'wub u', 'luv u', 'wub u']) && inc('luno')) {
3 years ago
const r = ["uwu //// b-but i'm busy trying to mod right now crescent!",
"i will neither confirm nor deny my feelings for you", ":eyes: :wink:"];
return[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]);