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4 years ago
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const LXP = require('../../models/localxp');
module.exports = {
name: "setupleveling",
aliases: ['setuplvl', 'setlvl', 'setleveling', 'levelingsetup', 'lvlset', 'lvlsetup'],
meta: {
category: 'Leveling',
description: "Setup and enable your server's local leveling!",
syntax: '`setupleveling`',
extra: "Requires administrator permissions. Disabled by default.",
guildOnly: true
help: new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Help -> Local Leveling Setup")
.setDescription("Set up your local leveling system to allow your server's members to progress in ranks, which lets you enable leveling roles and shops *features not available at this time*") //TODO remove the "features not available" as soon as they are available
.addField("Syntax", "`setupleveling`")
.addField("Important Notice", "You must be a server administrator in order to use this command. Please know that local leveling systems can cost a great deal of our database storage space when used on larger servers, so please only enable this feature **if you will actually make use of it**, not just for fun."),
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
if (!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")) {return"You must be a **server administrator** in order to use this command.");}
if (await LXP.findOne({gid:})) {return"Your leveling is already set up!");} //TODO add message to lead to disable cmd when complete
let am;
try {
am = await"Would you like to enable :thumbsup: or disable :thumbsdown: level up messages? (You can specify a set channel for this later.)");
await am.react('👍');
await am.react('👎');
} catch {return":thinking: hmmm... something went wrong there. I might not have permissions to add reactions to messages, and this could be the issue.");}
try {
let rc = am.createReactionCollector((r, u) => ['👍', '👎'].includes( && ===, {max: 1, time: 60000});
rc.on("collect", async r => {
let xp = new LXP({gid:});
xp.msg = === "👍";;
return Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("XP System Enabled!")
.setThumbnail(message.guild.iconURL({size: 2048}))
.setDescription(`Your server now has its leveling system enabled! If you enabled level up messages, you can set the channel for that using \`${prefix}levelchannel\`.`) //TODO update this with info on how the shiz works
.setFooter("Luno", client.user.avatarURL())
rc.on("end", collected => {if (!collected.size) {return"Looks like you ran out of time! Try again?");}});
} catch {return"Hmm... there was some error problem thingy that happened when I tried to enable XP for your server. If it keeps not working, then go yell at my devs!");}