You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
5.1 KiB

4 years ago
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const {Pagination} = require('../../util/pagination');
const ask = require('../../util/ask');
module.exports = {
name: "help",
aliases: ["h", "commands"],
help: 'you silly! What did you expect me to respond with?',
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
if (!args.length) {
let sorted = {};
await Array.from(client.commands.values()).forEach(command => {if ( !== "help" && command.meta) {
sorted[command.meta.category] = sorted[command.meta.category] ? sorted[command.meta.category] : {};
sorted[command.meta.category][] = command;
let helpSorted = {};
let category; for (category of Object.keys(sorted)) {
let categorySorted = [];
let current = 1;
let currentEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed().setAuthor("Help Menu","React to control the menu! You can also specify a command name when doing the help command to get more info about it.").setColor("328ba8");
let commands = Object.keys(sorted[category]);
let command; for (command of commands) {
let aliases = '';
let a; if (sorted[category][command].aliases) {for (a of sorted[category][command].aliases) {aliases += `\`${a}\`, `}}
aliases = aliases.length ? aliases.slice(0, aliases.length - 2) : 'None';
currentEmbed.addField(`${command.slice(0,1).toUpperCase()}${command.slice(1)}`, `${sorted[category][command].meta.description}\n\nAliases: ${aliases}\nSyntax: ${sorted[category][command].meta.syntax}${sorted[category][command].meta.extra ? '\n\n' + sorted[category][command].meta.extra : ''}`);
current += 1;
if (current === 5) {
current = 1;
currentEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed().setAuthor("Help Menu","React to control the menu! You can also specify a command name when doing the help command to get more info about it.").setColor("328ba8");
if (current > 1) {categorySorted.push(currentEmbed);}
helpSorted[category] = categorySorted;
let cat = await ask(message, "What would you like help with? (`Fun`|`Utility`|`Misc`|`Moderation`|`Social`|`Leveling`) or `all` if you'd like to browse all commands", 60000); if (!cat) {return;}
if (!['f', 'fun', 'u', 'util', 'utility', 'utilities', 'm', 'misc', 'miscellaneous', 'mod', 'moderation', 's', 'social', 'leveling', 'l', 'level', 'a', 'all'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {return"That wasn't a valid response! Try again?");}
let pages;
if (['f', 'fun'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {pages = helpSorted['Fun'];}
if (['u', 'util', 'utility', 'utilities'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {pages = helpSorted['Utility'];}
if (['m', 'misc', 'miscellaneous'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {pages = helpSorted['Misc'];}
if (['d', 'dev', 'developer'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {pages = helpSorted['Developer'];}
if (['mod', 'moderation'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {pages = helpSorted['Moderation'];}
if (['s', 'social'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {pages = helpSorted['Social'];}
if (['l', 'leveling', 'level'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {pages = helpSorted['Leveling'];}
if (['a', 'all'].includes(`${cat}`.trim().toLowerCase())) {pages = []; let c; for (c of Object.values(helpSorted)) {let h; for (h of c) {pages.push(h)}}}
await require('../../util/wait')(500);
if (pages.length > 1) {
let help = new Pagination(, pages, message, client, true);
return await help.start({endTime: 120000, user:});
} else {return[0].setFooter("Luno", client.user.avatarURL()).setTimestamp());}
} else {
let command;
if (client.commands.has(args[0])) {command = client.commands.get(args[0]);}
else if (client.aliases.has(args[0])) {command = client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(args[0]));}
else {return message.reply("I don't have that command! Try using `" + prefix + "help` to get a list of my commands");}
return message.reply(
? instanceof Discord.MessageEmbed
?"Luno | <required> [optional]", client.user.avatarURL()).setColor("328ba8").setTimestamp()
:{{p}}/g, prefix)
: "I don't seem to have any help info available for that command."