const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const createToast = require('../toast/createtoast');
const refresh = require('../fileview/refresh');
const newToast = require("../toast/createtoast");
module.exports = () => {
let pins;
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../', '/json/config/favorites.json'))) {
pins = require('../../json/config/favorites.json');
} else {pins = {};}
let fta = window.kade.currentFolder.trim();
if (Object.keys(pins).includes(`${window.kade.cpath.replace(/\\+/gm, '/')}/${fta}`)) {
return createToast("Already pinned", "That folder is already pinned!");
let tr = `${window.kade.cpath.replace(/\\+/gm, '/')}/${fta}`;
pins[tr] = fta;
let cfc = document.getElementById('custom-favorites-container');
let fav = document.createElement('div');
['favorites-button', 'folder-pin', 'nosel'].forEach(x => fav.classList.add(x));
fav.innerHTML = fta;
fav.onclick = () => {refresh(tr);};
"Folder Pinned", [`Folder "${fta}" was successfully pinned! You can now access it permanently in your sidebar!"`, `${window.kade.cpath.replace(/\\+/gm, '/')}/${fta}`], undefined, false, 5,
() => {
require('electron').clipboard.writeText(`${window.kade.cpath.replace(/\\+/gm, '/')}`);
newToast("Copied!", "The folder's path has been copied to your clipboard.", "#19df46");
try {fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../', '/json/config/favorites.json'), JSON.stringify(pins));}
catch {createToast("Error", "Your pin was not saved for some reason. Please restart or reload (ctrl+shift+r) the app and try again.", "#ff557a");}