You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
1.6 KiB

const chalk = require('chalk');
const {Tag} = require('../util/tag');
const {TagFilter} = require('../util/tagfilter');
module.exports = {
name: "help",
description: "Displays a list of usable commands.",
help: "Displays a list of usable commands.",
usage: "help [command]",
args: ['list'],
execute(client, text, args, cmd) {
const options = args.length ? new TagFilter([new Tag(['l', 'list'], 'list', 'toggle')]).test(args.join(" ")) : {};
const sp = ' >> ';
if (args[0] || options.cmd) {
if (!client.executables.has(args[0].toLowerCase())) {return console.log(`${chalk.yellow('[CONS]')} >> ${chalk.yellowBright(`Command `)}${chalk.white(`"${}"`)} ${chalk.yellowBright("doesn't exist.")}`);}
const ex = client.executables.get(args[0]);
return console.log(`${chalk.gray('[CONS]')} >> [${`HELP`)}] -> ${chalk.blueBright(}\n\n${sp}<${chalk.hex('#b57124')(}> - ${chalk.greenBright(ex.usage)}\n${sp}${ex.description} > ${chalk.gray(ex.args.length ? `-${ex.args.join(', -')}` : 'No args')}`);
} else {
let s = '';
s += `${chalk.gray('[CONS]')} >> [${`HELP`)}] -> ${chalk.blueBright(`Available commands:`)}`;
Array.from(client.executables.values()).sort((a, b) => > ? 1 : -1).forEach(e => s += `\n\n${sp}<${chalk.hex('#b57124')(}> - ${chalk.greenBright(e.usage)}\n${sp}${e.description} > ${chalk.gray(e.args.length ? `-${e.args.join(', -')}` : 'No args')}`);
return console.log(s.slice(0, s.length - 2));