You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
5.4 KiB

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const {Pagination} = require('../../util/pagination');
module.exports = {
name: "emoji",
aliases: ['emote', 'emojiinfo', 'emoteinfo', 'ei'],
meta: {
category: 'Misc',
description: "Get info on a certain emoji",
syntax: '`emoji <:emoji:|emojiID>`',
extra: null
help: new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Help -> Emoji")
.setDescription("Get info on an emoji, such as its ID, name, and a link to the source image. You can also use this for the `robemoji` command to add an emoji by its ID.")
.addField("Syntax", "`emoji <:emoji:|emojiID>`"),
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
if (!args.length) {
if (! {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}emoji <:emoji:|emojiID>\``);}
let emotes = [];
Array.from( => {
let margs = m.content.split(/\s+/gm);
margs.forEach(marg => {if (marg.match(/^<a?:.+:\d+>$/) && !emotes.includes(marg)) {emotes.push(marg);}});
if (m.reactions.cache.size) {Array.from(m.reactions.cache.values()).forEach(r => {if ( && !emotes.includes(`<${r.emoji.animated ? 'a' : ''}:${}:${}>`)) {emotes.push(`<${r.emoji.animated ? 'a' : ''}:${}:${}>`);}});}
if (!emotes.length) {return"It doesn't look like anyone has sent any emoji recently. Try using the command again but adding an emoji to the message to get info on it.");}
let emoteEmbeds = [];
emotes.forEach(emote => {
let spl = emote.split(':');
let finEm = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Emoji Info")
.setDescription(`Name: ${spl[1] ? `\`:${spl[1]}:\`` : "Not Found"}\nID: ${spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1)}\nURL: [Here](${`${spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1)}${spl[0].includes('a') ? '.gif' : ""}`})\nAnimated: ${spl[0].includes('a') === true}\n\nI have access: ${client.emojis.cache.has(spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1))}`)
.setImage(`${spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1)}${spl[0].includes('a') ? '.gif' : ""}`)
.setFooter("Natsuki", client.user.avatarURL())
if (client.emojis.cache.has(spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1))) {finEm.setThumbnail(client.emojis.cache.get(spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1)).guild.iconURL({size: 1024}));}
if (client.emojis.cache.has(spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1)) && client.emojis.cache.get(spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1)).guild.members.cache.has( && client.emojis.cache.get(spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1)) !== (message.guild ? : 1)) {finEm.addField("Server", `You're in the server this emoji is from: **${client.emojis.cache.get(spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1))}**`);}
let emojiList = new Pagination(, emoteEmbeds, message, client, true);
return emojiList.start({user:, endTime: 60000});
if (!args[0].match(/^<a?:.+:\d+>$|^\d+$/gm)) {return"That doesn't seem to be a valid emoji! (Standard Discord emojis don't count :p )");}
let name; let id; let animated; let url;
let access = false;
if (args[0].match(/^<a?:.+:\d+>$/)) {
let spl = args[0].split(':');
name = spl[1];
id = spl[2].slice(0, spl[2].length - 1);
animated = spl[0].includes('a');
url = `${id}`;
access = client.emojis.cache.has(id);
} else {
id = args[0];
url = `${id}`;
access = client.emojis.cache.has(id);
if (access) {
name = client.emojis.cache.get(id).name;
animated = client.emojis.cache.get(id).animated;
if (animated) {url += '.gif';}
try {
let finEm = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Emoji Info")
.setDescription(`Name: ${name ? `\`:${name}:\`` : "Not Found"}\nID: ${id}\nURL: [Here](${url})\nAnimated: ${animated === true}\n\nI have access: ${access}`)
.setFooter("Natsuki", client.user.avatarURL())
if (access) {finEm.setThumbnail(client.emojis.cache.get(id).guild.iconURL({size: 1024}));}
if (access && client.emojis.cache.get(id).guild.members.cache.has( && client.emojis.cache.get(id) !== (message.guild ? : 1)) {finEm.addField("Server", `You're in the server this emoji is from: **${client.emojis.cache.get(id)}**`);}
} catch {
return"There was an error getting info for that emoji. You may not have given a valid emoji, or the ID you gave doesn't lead to a real emoji.");