You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
2.3 KiB

import {TextChannel, Message, MessageEmbed, Client, MessageReaction, ReactionCollector, DiscordAPIError} from 'discord.js';
import {Pagination} from './pagination';
export class LivePagination extends Pagination {
knownMax: number;
private _onScrollAttempt: (pagination: LivePagination, pos: number, exists: boolean, inBounds: boolean) => void;
constructor (channel: TextChannel, pages: MessageEmbed[], originalMessage: Message, client: Client, loopPages?: boolean, message?: Message) {
super(channel, pages, originalMessage, client, loopPages, message);
public setOnScrollAttemptHandler(func: (pagination: LivePagination, pos: number, exists: boolean, inBounds: boolean) => void) {
this._onScrollAttempt = func;
return this;
public async start(options?: {endTime?: number, time?: number, startPage?: number, user?: 'any' | string}): Promise<LivePagination> {
if (!this._onScrollAttempt) {LivePagination.throwNoScrollAttempt();}
await super.start(options);
return this;
public async setControllers(endTime: number, user: 'any' | string): Promise<LivePagination> {
if (!this._onScrollAttempt) {LivePagination.throwNoScrollAttempt();}
await super.setControllers(endTime, user);
return this;
public async setPage(page: number): Promise<LivePagination> {
if (!this._onScrollAttempt) {LivePagination.throwNoScrollAttempt();}
this._onScrollAttempt(this, page, typeof this.pages[page] !== 'undefined' && this.pages[page] !== null, typeof this.knownMax === 'number' ? page < this.knownMax : true);
await super.setPage(page);
return this;
private static throwNoScrollAttempt() {
throw new Error("Fatal Pagination Error: You tried to start the LivePagination without setting a scrollAttemptEvent. This is necessary to allow the pagination to be built as the user scrolls. If you don't know what you're doing here, just make a Pagination instead.");
set onScrollAttempt(func: (pagination: LivePagination, pos: number, exists: boolean, inBounds: boolean) => void) {
this._onScrollAttempt = func;
interface ExtraControls {
interface ControllerData {
endTime: number,
enabled: boolean,
lastInteraction: Date,
collector: ReactionCollector