48 lines
2.4 KiB
48 lines
2.4 KiB
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const AR = require('../../models/ar');
const GuildData = require('../../models/guild');
module.exports = {
name: "ignorear",
aliases: ['arignore', 'noar'],
meta: {
category: 'Misc',
description: "Stop auto responses from being sent to a specific channel.",
syntax: '`ignorear [#channel|channelId]`',
extra: null,
guildOnly: true
help: new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Help -> AR Ignoring")
.setDescription("Provide a channel (or don't to use the current channel) to be voided from auto-responses, that way the responses won't send in places you don't want them to.")
.addField("Syntax", "`[#channel|channelId]` - channel is optional."),
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
const tg = await GuildData.findOne({gid: message.guild.id});
if ((!tg || !tg.staffrole || !tg.staffrole.length || !message.member.roles.cache.has(tg.staffrole)) && !message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")) {return message.channel.send("You must have the staff role or be an administrator in this server in order to edit AR settings.");}
let tar = await AR.findOne({gid: message.guild.id});
if (!tar || !tar.triggers.length) {return message.channel.send("This server doesn't have any auto-responses. Try adding some first, then you can set some channels to be ignored.");}
let ch;
if (args[1]) {
ch = message.mentions.channels.first() || message.guild.channels.cache.get(args[1]);
if (!ch) {return message.channel.send("I couldn't find that channel. Please try again!");}
} else {ch = message.channel;}
ch = ch.id;
if (tar.ignoreChs.includes(ch)) {
let ti = tar.ignoreChs;
ti.splice(ti.indexOf(ch), 1);
tar.ignoreChs = ti;
client.misc.cache.arIgnore.set(message.guild.id, tar.ignoreChs);
return message.channel.send("I'll start replying to Auto Responses in this channel from now on.");
} else {
client.misc.cache.arIgnore.set(message.guild.id, tar.ignoreChs);
return message.channel.send("Got it. I'll ignore Auto Responses here from now on.");
}; |