You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
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const Discord = require("discord.js");
const GuildData = require('../../models/guild');
const LogData = require('../../models/log');
const ObjLogTypes = {
mdelete: ['md', 'mdelete', 'messagedelete', 'deletemessage', 'deletemsg', 'msgdelete'],
medit: ['me', 'medit', 'messageedit', 'editmessage', 'msgedit', 'editmsg'],
ch: ['channel', 'ch'],
//chedit: ['channeledit'],
vc: ['voice', 'vc'],
//servervcmute: [],
//servervcdeafen: [],
//kick: [],
//ban: [],
//mute: [],
//warn: [],
//giverole: [],
//takerole: [],
//addrole: [],
//editrole: [],
//deleterole: [],
//serverjoin: [],
//serverleave: [],
//nickname: [],
//username: [],
//avatar: []
}; const LogTypes = new Map();
let keys = Object.keys(ObjLogTypes);
let key; for (key of keys) {let vs = ObjLogTypes[key]; let v; for (v of vs) {LogTypes.set(v, key);}}
module.exports = {
name: "logs",
aliases: ["log", "l", "modlog", "modlogs"],
help: new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Help -> Server Logs")
.setDescription("Configure your server's log settings.\n\nLogs will update you on events in your server that have the potential to require moderator intervention, like someone deleting a hateful message before you can see it or a misbehaving moderator kicking/banning a member when they aren't supposed to.")
.addField("Syntax", "`log <set|list|view|clear> [logType] [#channel]`")
.addField("Notice", "You must be an admin or have the specified staff role in order to use this command."),
meta: {
category: 'Moderation',
description: "Configure your server's log settings, which allow mods to see potentially suspicious activity in the server.",
syntax: '`log <set|list|view|clear> [logType] [#channel]`',
extra: "**Please note** that this command is still in the works, and that not all log types are available. The currently existing ones have been thoroughly tested, though."
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
if (!message.guild) {return message.reply("This command is server-only!");}
let tg = await GuildData.findOne({gid:});
if ((!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")) && (!tg || !tg.staffrole || !tg.staffrole.length || !message.member.roles.cache.has(tg.staffrole))) {return message.reply("You must be an administrator or have the specified staff role in this server in order to edit or view log settings.");}
if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}log <set|list|view|clear> [logType] [#channel]\``);}
if (['s', 'set'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
if (args.length < 3) {return`You must specify the log type and the channel to send the log to. Use \`${prefix}log list\` to see a list of valid log types.`);}
if (!LogTypes.has(args[1].toLowerCase())) {return"That's not a valid log type. Use \`${prefix}log list\` to see a list of valid log types.");}
let lt = LogTypes.get(args[1].toLowerCase());
let ch = args[2].match(/<\#(?:\d+)>/m) && message.guild.channels.cache.has(message.mentions.channels.first().id) ? message.mentions.channels.first() : message.guild.channels.cache.has(args[2]) ? message.guild.channels.cache.get(args[2]) : null;
if (!ch) {return"I can't find that channel! Make sure that you've mentioned one, or that the ID you provided is correct, and that I can see it.");}
if (!ch.permissionsFor("SEND_MESSAGES")) {return message.reply("I don't have permissions to send messages in that channel. Please give me access and try again.");}
let tl = await LogData.findOne({gid:}) || new LogData({gid:});
tl.logs[lt] =;
if (!client.guildconfig.logs.has( {client.guildconfig.logs.set(, new Map());}
return"Log settings updated!");
if (['l', 'list'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
return"Valid log types:\n\n-`msgdelete` - Shows the content of a message that was deleted, in any channel.\n-`msgedit` - Shows both the old and new versions of a message when it is edited.\n-`vc` - Logs when members join and leave VCs.\n-`ch` - Logs channel creations and deletions.");
if (['v', 'view'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
if (client.guildconfig.logs.has( && client.guildconfig.logs.get( {return`This server's logs: \n\n${function bonk(){let s = ''; Array.from(client.guildconfig.logs.get( => s+=`\`${v}\`: <#${client.guildconfig.logs.get(}>, `); return s;}().slice(0, -2)}`);}
else {return"Your server doesn't have any logs set up at the moment, or they aren't cached. If you keep seeing this issue even after setting logs, please contact my developers!");}
if (['c', 'clear'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
let tl = await LogData.findOne({gid:});
if (!tl) {return"Your server doesn't have any logs set up!");}
const conf = await require('../../util/ask')(message, "Are you sure you want to clear all your server's logs settings? This cannot be undone.", 60000);
if (!conf) {return;}
if (!['y', 'yes', 'sure'].includes(`${conf}`.toLowerCase())) {return"Okay, I won't clear your logs settings.");}
return LogData.deleteOne({gid:})
.then(() => {
return"Logs settings wiped!")
.catch(() =>"An error occurred, and your logs data wasn't deleted. Please contact my devs if the problem persists."));