const Discord = require('discord.js'); const UserData = require('../../models/user'); const AniData = require('../../models/anime'); const {TagFilter} = require("../../util/tagfilter"); const {Tag} = require ("../../util/tag"); const ask = require('../../util/ask'); module.exports = { name: "anime", aliases: ['ani', 'an'], help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> Anime") .setDescription("View and find anime in our huge list of anime!") .addField("Syntax", "`anime <>`"), async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}anime <>\``);} let queue = false; if (['a', 'add', 'n', 'new'].includes(args[0])) { let tu = await UserData.findOne({uid:}); if (!tu || !tu.staff) { await"Since you aren't a Natsuki Staff member, this anime will be __submitted__ for reviewal!"); queue = true; } let options = new TagFilter([ new Tag(['ask', 'question'], 'ask', 'toggle'), new Tag(['title', 't', 'name', 'n'], 'name', 'append'), new Tag(['japname', 'japanesename', 'jn'], 'japname', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['description', 'desc', 'd', 'plot', 'p'], 'plot', 'append'), new Tag(['pub', 'pubs', 'publishers', 'publisher', 'pb'], 'publishers', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['stud', 's', 'studio', 'studs', 'studios'], 'studios', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['began', 'airstart', 'as'], 'airStartDate', 'append'), new Tag(['ended', 'airend', 'ae'], 'airEndDate', 'append'), new Tag(['iscomplete', 'completed', 'ic'], 'isComplete', 'toggle'), new Tag(['seasons', 'sns'], 'seasons', 'append'), new Tag(['episodes', 'es'], 'episodes', 'append'), new Tag(['genres', 'g'], 'genres', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['tags', 'ta', 'tgs', 'tg', 'tag'], 'tags', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['cs', 'characters', 'chars', 'chs'], 'characters', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['streams', 'streamat', 'sa'], 'streamAt', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['img', 'thumb', 'thumbnail', 'image']) ]).test(args.join(' ')); if (Object.keys(options).length) { var foptions = {}; let option; for (option of Object.keys(options)) { if (Array.isArray(options[option])) { let s = ''; let data; for (data of options[option]) { s += data; s += options[option].indexOf(data) < (options[option].length - 1) ? ', ' : ''; } foptions[option] = s; } } } else { if (client.misc.activeDMs.has( {return"I'm already asking you questions in a DM! Finish that first, then try this command again.");} client.misc.activeDMs.set(, 'anime-add'); let mesg = await"I'm going to ask you some questions about the anime's info. Just reply with the answer and use good grammar and spelling and be as accurate as possible. To cancel the process, just leave the question unanswered for a few minutes and I'll let you know that the question timed out and is not longer answerable.") .catch(() => {return message.reply("Something went wrong there! Most likely, your DMs are closed.");}); await"Check your DMs!"); let options = {}; function clearDM() {client.misc.activeDMs.delete(;} client.misc.activeDMs.set(, 'anime-make'); let dmch =; } Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`New Anime -> ${}`) .setDescription(`${queue ? 'Requested' : 'Added'} by ${message.guild ? message.member.displayName :}`) .addField('Info', `**Name:** ${}\n**Japanese Name:** ${options.japname}\n\n**Publishers:** ${foptions.publishers}\n**Studios:** ${foptions.studios}`) .addField('Length', `**# of Seasons:** ${options.seasons}\n**# of Episodes:** ${options.episodes}`) .addField('Airing', `**Began:** ${options.airStartDate}\n**Ended:** ${options.isComplete ? options.airEndDate : 'This anime is still airing!'}`) .addField('Other', `**Genre(s):** ${foptions.genres}\n**Tags:** ${foptions.tags}\n**Characters:** ${foptions.characters}\n**Stream this at:** ${foptions.streamAt}`) .setColor("c375f0") .setFooter('Natsuki', client.user.avatarURL()) .setTimestamp() ); } } };