const Discord = require('discord.js'); const Mod = require('../../models/mod'); const {TagFilter} = require('../../util/tagfilter'); const {Tag} = require('../../util/tag'); module.exports = { name: "warn", help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> Warnings") .setDescription("Warn misbehaving members that what they are doing is wrong, and have it stored in a database in order to see a list of all their past warnings") .addField("Syntax", "`warn <@member> `") .addField("Notice", "You must be a server administrator in order to use this command."), meta: { category: 'Moderation', description: "Warn misbehaving members that what they are doing is wrong, and have it stored in a database in order to see a list of all their past warnings", syntax: '`warn <@member> `', extra: null }, async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!message.guild) {return"This is a server-only command.");} if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}warn <@member> \``);} if (!message.member.permissions.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES") && !message.member.permissions.has("MANAGE_GUILD")) {return message.reply("You must be a server moderator (manage messages or manage server permissions) to use this command.");} if (args.length < 2 && !['check', 'c', 'list', 'l', 'clear', 'e', 'empty'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {return"You must provide a reason for warning the user, or `check` or `clear`.");} let user = message.mentions.members.first() && args[0].match(/^<@!?\d+>$/) ? message.mentions.members.first() : message.guild.members.cache.has(args[0]) ? message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]) : null; if (!user && args.length > 1) {return"Either you didn't mention a user, or I can't find that user!");} if (args.length > 1) {args.shift();} if (['check', 'c', 'list', 'l'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { user = user ? user : message.member; let mh = await Mod.findOne({gid:}); if (!mh || !Object.keys(mh.warnings).length) {return message.reply("There are no warnings available in this server.");} if (!mh.warnings[] || !mh.warnings[].length) {return message.reply(`${ === ? 'You have' : 'That user has'} never been warned in this server.`);} //console.log(mh.cases, mh.warnings); let ws = ''; let cwc = 0; let warning; for (warning of mh.warnings[]) { let tcase = mh.cases[warning - 1]; if (tcase.status !== "Cleared") { ws += `\`Case #${warning}\` - Issued by <@${tcase.moderators[0]}>\n${tcase.reason}\n\n`; } else {cwc++;} } if (cwc > 0) {ws += '*Plus ' + cwc + ' other warnings that have been cleared.*';} if (cwc === mh.warnings[].length) {return message.reply("That user has no uncleared warnings.");} return{embeds: [new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("User Warnings") .setThumbnail(client.users.cache.get({size: 1024})) .setDescription(`For ${user.displayName}`) .addField("Warnings", ws) .setColor("c375f0") .setFooter({text: "Natsuki", iconURL: client.user.displayAvatarURL()}) .setTimestamp() ]}); } else if (['clear', 'e', 'empty'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { user = user ? user : message.member; let mh = await Mod.findOne({gid:}); if (!mh || !Object.keys(mh.warnings).length) {return message.reply("There are no warnings available in this server.");} if (!Object.keys(mh.warnings).includes( || !mh.warnings[].length) {return message.reply(`${ === ? 'You have' : 'That user has'} never been warned in this server.`);} let mhcases = mh.cases; let moddedcases = []; let cwc = 0; var wc = 0; let warning; for (warning of mh.warnings[]) { if (mhcases[`${warning - 1}`].status !== "Cleared") { let tcase = mhcases[`${warning - 1}`]; tcase.status = "Cleared"; tcase.history.push(`${new Date().toISOString()} - ${} - Cleared the warning.`); moddedcases.push(`${warning - 1}`); wc++; if (!tcase.moderators.includes( {tcase.moderators.push(;} mhcases[`${warning - 1}`] = tcase; } else {cwc++;} } if (cwc === mh.warnings[].length) {return message.reply("That user has no uncleared warnings.");} if (moddedcases.length) {let c; for (c of moddedcases) {mh.markModified(`cases.${c}.history`);}} mh.cases = mhcases;; return message.reply(`Cleared ${wc} warnings from ${user.displayName}.`); } else { if ( === {return"You can't warn yourself!");} if ( === {return"You can't warn me, silly! What do you want me to do, spank myself?");} if (client.users.cache.get( {return"You can't warn a bot!");} let options = new TagFilter([ new Tag(['r', 'reason'], 'reason' ,'append'), new Tag(['nd', 'nm', 'nomessage', 'nodm'], 'nodm' ,'toggle'), new Tag(['silent', 's'], 'silent', 'toggle'), new Tag(['note', 'n', 'notes'], 'notes', 'append') ]).test(args.join(" ")); if (Object.keys(options).length && (!options.reason || !options.reason.length)) {return"You *must* use -r or -reason to specify your reason if you include any other tags. Please try again!");} let reason = options.reason && options.reason.length ? options.reason : args.join(" "); if (reason.length > 200) {return message.reply("Please keep your reason short and sweet - less than 200 characters, please!");} if (options.notes && options.notes.length > 150) {return message.reply("Please keep your notes short and sweet - less than 150 characters, please!");} let notes = options.notes && options.notes.length ? [options.notes] : []; let mh = await Mod.findOne({gid:}) || new Mod({gid:}); let mhcases = mh.cases; mhcases.push({ members: [], punishment: "Warned", reason: reason, status: "Closed", moderators: [], notes: notes, history: [`${new Date().toISOString()} - ${} - Created case`, `${new Date().toISOString()} - ${} - Warned ${client.users.cache.get(}`], issued: new Date().toUTCString() }); let mhwarnings = mh.warnings; let mhwarningsk = Object.keys(mhwarnings); if (mhwarningsk.includes( {let tw = mhwarnings[]; tw.push(mhcases.length); mhwarnings[] = tw;} else {mhwarnings[] = [mhcases.length];} mh.warnings = mhwarnings; mh.warnings[] = mhwarnings[]; mh.cases = mhcases; if (!options.silent) {`Case ${mh.cases.length} - Member has been warned. Reason: \`${reason}\``);} if (!options.silent && !options.nodm) {client.users.cache.get(`\`${}\` has warned you in \`${}\`. Reason: **${reason}**`);} mh.markModified(`warnings.${}`);; return null; } } };