const fz = require('fuzzysort'); const Discord = require('discord.js'); const Ani = require('../../models/anime'); const {Pagination} = require("../../util/pagination"); module.exports = async (message, client, search, threshold=-10000, type='full') => { let da = []; const me = async (ani) => { if (da.includes(client.misc.cache.anime.get(ani))) {return 0;} let an = ani.plot ? ani : await Ani.findOne({id: client.misc.cache.anime.get(ani)}); let rte = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle( .setAuthor({name: 'Anime Search', iconURL:}) .setDescription(`**Name:** ${}\n**Japanese Name:** ${an.japname}\n\n**Publishers:** ${an.publishers.join(", ")}\n**Studios:** ${an.studios.join(", ")}`) .setColor("c375f0") .setImage(an.thumbnail) .setFooter({text: "Natsuki", iconURL: client.user.displayAvatarURL()}) .setTimestamp() if (type === 'full') { rte .addField('Description', an.plot) .addField('Length', `**# of Seasons:** ${an.seasons}\n**# of Episodes:** ${an.episodes}`) //.addField('Airing', `**Began:** ${an.airStartDate}\n**Ended:** ${an.isComplete ? an.airEndDate : 'This anime is still airing!'}`) .addField("Cast", `**${an.characters.length} Characters**\n${(an.characters.length > 50 ? an.characters.slice(0, 49) : an.characters).map(char => client.misc.cache.charsID.get(char)).join(', ')}${an.characters.length > 50 ? `\n**+${an.characters.length - 50} Others**` : ''}`) .addField('Other', `**Genre(s):** ${an.genres.join(", ")}\n**Stream this at:** ${an.streamAt.join(", ")}${an.altNames && an.altNames.length ? `\n\n**Other names:** ${ => `\`${n}\``).join(', ')}` : ''}`) .addField('Love', `**Watchers**: **${an.watchers} Natsuki ${, 'user')}** ${an.watchers === 1 ? 'has' : "have"} this anime on their list of finished anime!\n\`n?watched ${}\`\n**Watchlisted**: **${an.listed} Natsuki ${, 'user')}** ${an.listed === 1 ? 'has' : "have"} this anime on their list of anime they want to watch!\n\`n?watchlist add ${}\`\n**Favorited**: **${an.liked} Natsuki ${, 'user')}** ${an.liked === 1 ? 'has' : "have"} this anime favorited!\n\`n?favanime ${}\``) } da.push(; return {embed: rte, id:}; }; let attF = await Ani.findOne({id: search.trim().toLowerCase()}); if (attF) {return await me(attF);} const res = fz.go(search, Array.from(client.misc.cache.anime.keys()), {threshold: threshold, limit: 10}).sort((a,b)=>a.score-b.score).map(k =>; if (res.length === 0) {return 0;} else if (res.length > 1) { let tp = []; for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { const tres = await me(res[i]); if (tres !== 0) {tp.push(tres);} } tp = await Promise.all(tp); return tp.length > 1 ? new Pagination(, => k.embed), message, client, true) : tp[0]; } else {return await me(res[0]);} }