const Discord = require('discord.js'); const UserData = require('../models/user'); const ask = require('../util/ask'); module.exports = { name: "decide", help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> ") .setDescription("") .addField("Syntax", "``"), async condition (message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {return === "330547934951112705"}, async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { const inc = m => msg.includes(m); const is = m => msg.trim() === m; function incl(ml) {let tm; for (tm of ml) {if (inc(tm)) {return true;}}} if (incl(["thanks natsuki", "thank you natsuki", "ty natsuki"])) { const r = ["Anytime!", "Anything for my creator!", "I hope I was at least a little bit helpful!", ":P Happy to help!", "You're welcome, Wubzy!", "Always happy to help you, Wubz", "I do take tips :D"]; return[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]); } if (is("❤")) { let m ={limit: 2}).then(mm => mm.first()); console.log(m); if ( === {return":heart:");} } if (incl(['gn natsuki', 'goodnight natsuki', 'night natsuki'])) { const r = ["Goodnight! :)", "Night Wubbo. Hope you weren't up too late working on me!", "Sleep well!", "Yeah, I was just headed to bed, too.", "<:awoo:750131415693393950> glad you're getting some sleep ^^ ~"];`${r[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)]} Want me to set your status before you go off?`); let to = false; let sconf; try {sconf = await => === "330547934951112705", {time: 15000, errors: ['time'], max: 1});} catch {"Oh, I guess he already went to bed, huh? I'll just... set his status anyways-"); to = true;} if (sconf) {sconf = sconf.first().content.trim().toLowerCase();} if (to || ['sure', 'ye', 'mhm'].includes(sconf)) { let w = await UserData.findOne({uid:}); w.statusclearmode = 'manual'; w.statusmsg = "Sleeping "; w.statussetat = new Date(); let tempDate = new Date(); w.statusclearat = tempDate.setHours(tempDate.getHours() + 12); w.statustype = 'dnd';; if (!to) {"I set your status for you so you can get some sleep! Message me when you're up - I get lonely when you sleep ;-;");} return; } } } };