const {TagFilter} = require("../util/tagfilter"); const {Tag} = require ("../util/tag"); const Discord = require('discord.js'); const UserData = require('../models/user'); const AniData = require('../models/anime'); module.exports = { name: "anime", aliases: ['ani', 'an'], help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> Anime") .setDescription("View and find anime in our huge list of anime!") .addField("Syntax", "`anime <>`"), async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}anime <>\``);} let queue = false; if (['a', 'add', 'n', 'new'].includes(args[0])) { let tu = await UserData.findOne({uid:}); if (!tu || !tu.staff) { await"Since you aren't a Natsuki Staff member, this anime will be __submitted__ for reviewal!"); queue = true; } let options = new TagFilter([ new Tag(['ask', 'question'], 'ask', 'toggle'), new Tag(['title', 't', 'name', 'n'], 'name', 'append'), new Tag(['japname', 'japanesename', 'jn'], 'japname', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['description', 'desc', 'd', 'plot', 'p'], 'plot', 'append'), new Tag(['pub', 'pubs', 'publishers', 'publisher', 'pb'], 'publishers', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['stud', 's', 'studio', 'studs', 'studios'], 'studios', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['began', 'airstart', 'as'], 'airStartDate', 'append'), new Tag(['ended', 'airend', 'ae'], 'airEndDate', 'append'), new Tag(['iscomplete', 'completed', 'ic'], 'isComplete', 'toggle'), new Tag(['seasons', 'sns'], 'seasons', 'append'), new Tag(['episodes', 'es'], 'episodes', 'append'), new Tag(['genres', 'g'], 'genres', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['tags', 'ta', 'tgs', 'tg', 'tag'], 'tags', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['cs', 'characters', 'chars', 'chs'], 'characters', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['streams', 'streamat', 'sa'], 'streamAt', 'listAppend') ]).test(args.join(' ')); var foptions = {}; let option; for (option of Object.keys(options)) { if (Array.isArray(options[option])) { let s = ''; let data; for (data of options[option]) { s += data; s += options[option].indexOf(data) < (options[option].length - 1) ? ', ' : ''; } foptions[option] = s; } } Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`New Anime -> ${}`) .setDescription(`${queue ? 'Requested' : 'Added'} by ${message.guild ? message.member.displayName :}`) .addField('Info', `**Name:** ${}\n**Japanese Name:** ${options.japname}\n\n**Publishers:** ${foptions.publishers}\n**Studios:** ${foptions.studios}`) .addField('Length', `**# of Seasons:** ${options.seasons}\n**# of Episodes:** ${options.episodes}`) .addField('Airing', `**Began:** ${options.airStartDate}\n**Ended:** ${options.isComplete ? options.airEndDate : 'This anime is still airing!'}`) .addField('Other', `**Genre(s):** ${foptions.genres}\n**Tags:** ${foptions.tags}\n**Characters:** ${foptions.characters}\n**Stream this at:** ${foptions.streamAt}`) .setColor("c375f0") .setFooter('Natsuki', client.user.avatarURL()) .setTimestamp() ); } } };