const Discord = require('discord.js'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const ora = require('ora'); const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const flags = Discord.Intents.FLAGS; let fl = []; Object.keys(flags).forEach(flag => fl.push(flags[flag])) const client = new Discord.Client({intents: fl, partials: ["CHANNEL", "REACTION", "MESSAGE"]}); client.misc = { savers: ['497598953206841375', '480535078150340609', '468903364533420074'], activeDMs: new Discord.Collection(), statusPings: new Discord.Collection(), startup: new Date(), startupNoConnect: null, cache: { ar: new Map(), arIgnore: new Map(), bl: { guild: [], user: [] }, lxp: { enabled: [], xp: {}, hasLevelRoles: [] }, monit: {}, monitEnabled: [], inVC: [], VCG: {}, activeVC: [] }, loggers: {} }; //const config = require('./config.js'); const auth = require('./auth.json'); //client.config = config; async function init() { let cloginsp = ora(chalk.magentaBright('Connecting Discord client...')).start(); let pclc = new Date().getTime(); await client.login(auth.token); cloginsp.stop(); cloginsp.clear(); console.log(`${'[BOOT]')} >> ${chalk.greenBright(`Connected to Discord in `)}${chalk.white(`${new Date().getTime() - pclc}ms`)}`); client.misc.startupNoConnect = new Date(); client.config = auth; let mloginsp = ora(chalk.magentaBright('Connecting to Mongo client...')).start(); let pmcc = new Date().getTime(); const config = client.config; try { await mongoose.connect(`mongodb+srv://${config.database.user}:${config.database.password}@${config.database.cluster}`, { useFindAndModify: false, useNewUrlParser: true, dbName: 'Natsuki-Main', useUnifiedTopology: true, useCreateIndex: true }).catch(e => { let date = new Date; date = date.toString().slice(date.toString().search(":") - 2, date.toString().search(":") + 6); console.error(`\n${'[ERROR]')} >> ${chalk.yellow(`At [${date}] | Occurred while trying to connect to Mongo Cluster`)}`, e); mloginsp.stop(); mloginsp.clear(); }); mloginsp.stop(); mloginsp.clear(); console.log(`${'[BOOT]')} >> ${chalk.greenBright(`Connected to Mongo Database in `)}${chalk.white(`${new Date().getTime() - pmcc}ms`)}`); } catch (e) { let date = new Date; date = date.toString().slice(date.toString().search(":") - 2, date.toString().search(":") + 6); console.error(`\n${'[ERROR]')} >> ${chalk.yellow(`At [${date}] | Occurred while trying to connect to Mongo Cluster`)}`, e); mloginsp.stop(); mloginsp.clear(); } ['commands', 'aliases'].forEach(x => client[x] = new Discord.Collection()); client.responses = {triggers: [], commands: new Discord.Collection()}; ['command', 'event', 'response'].forEach(x => require(`./handle/${x}`)(client)); client.developers = ["330547934951112705", "673477059904929802"]; client.utils = {}; client.utils.logch = async () => {return client.guilds.cache.get('762707532417335296').channels.cache.get('762732961753595915');}; client.guildconfig = {}; client.guildconfig.prefixes = new Map(); client.guildconfig.logs = new Map(); await require('./util/wait')(10000).then(async () => {if (!client.misc.readied) {await require('./events/ready')(client);}}); } init().then(() => {});