const Discord = require('discord.js'); const deaths = [ "Watching too much anime", "Overdose of waifus", "Hypotakunemia", "Trying to self-isekai", "Bass.", "Cranked the music just a little too loud", "Tried to swim in lava", "Unknown", "Despacito" ]; // a list of preset death methods that can occur module.exports = { name: "deathnote", aliases: ['dn'], help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> Death Note") .setDescription("Congratulations! You've picked up a death note. Write someone's name in it, and see for yourself if it's the real deal...") .addField("Syntax", "\`deathnote <@member> [method of death]\`"), async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}deathnote <@member> [method of death]\``);} if (args[0] == "kill" || args[0] == "k") {args.shift();} // if someone adds in 'kill' it'll remove it and act like it wasn't there, proceeding as normal. if (!mention) {return message.reply("You have to write their name down in order to kill them! (In other words, please mention the user whose name you wish to write.)");} } };