const Discord = require("discord.js"); const GuildData = require('../models/guild'); const LogData = require('../models/log'); const ObjLogTypes = { mdelete: ['md', 'mdelete', 'messagedelete', 'deletemessage', 'deletemsg', 'msgdelete'], medit: ['me', 'medit', 'messageedit', 'editmessage', 'msgedit', 'editmsg'], chnew: ['chn', 'chc', 'newch', 'newchannel', 'chcreate', 'channelcreate'], //chedit: ['channeledit'], chdelete: ['chd', 'channeldelete', 'deletechannel', 'deletech', 'chdelete'], //vcjoin: [], //vcleave: [], //servervcmute: [], //servervcdeafen: [], //kick: [], //ban: [], //mute: [], //warn: [], //giverole: [], //takerole: [], //addrole: [], //editrole: [], //deleterole: [], //serverjoin: [], //serverleave: [], //nickname: [], //username: [], //avatar: [] }; const LogTypes = new Map(); let keys = Object.keys(ObjLogTypes); let key; for (key of keys) {let vs = ObjLogTypes[key]; let v; for (v of vs) {LogTypes.set(v, key);}} module.exports = { name: "logs", aliases: ["log", "l", "modlog", "modlogs"], help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> Server Logs") .setDescription("Configure your server's log settings.\n\nLogs will update you on events in your server that have the potential to require moderator intervention, like someone deleting a hateful message before you can see it or a misbehaving moderator kicking/banning a member when they aren't supposed to.") .addField("Syntax", "`log [logType] [#channel]`") .addField("Notice", "You must be an admin or have the specified staff role in order to use this command."), meta: { category: 'Moderation', description: "Configure your server's log settings, which allow mods to see potentially suspicious activity in the server.", syntax: '`log [logType] [#channel]`', extra: "**Please note** that this command is still in the works, and that not all log types are available. The currently existing ones have been thoroughly tested, though." }, async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!message.guild) {return message.reply("This command is server-only!");} let tg = await GuildData.findOne({gid:}); if ((!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")) && (!tg || !tg.staffrole || !tg.staffrole.length || !message.member.roles.cache.has(tg.staffrole))) {return message.reply("You must be an administrator or have the specified staff role in this server in order to edit or view log settings.");} if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}log [logType] [#channel]\``);} if (['s', 'set'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { if (args.length < 3) {return`You must specify the log type and the channel to send the log to. Use \`${prefix}log list\` to see a list of valid log types.`);} if (!LogTypes.has(args[1].toLowerCase())) {return"That's not a valid log type. Use \`${prefix}log list\` to see a list of valid log types.");} let lt = LogTypes.get(args[1].toLowerCase()); let ch = args[2].match(/<\#(?:\d+)>/m) && message.guild.channels.cache.has(message.mentions.channels.first().id) ? message.mentions.channels.first() : message.guild.channels.cache.has(args[2]) ? message.guild.channels.cache.get(args[2]) : null; if (!ch) {return"I can't find that channel! Make sure that you've mentioned one, or that the ID you provided is correct, and that I can see it.");} if (!ch.permissionsFor("SEND_MESSAGES")) {return message.reply("I don't have permissions to send messages in that channel. Please give me access and try again.");} let tl = await LogData.findOne({gid:}) || new LogData({gid:}); tl[lt] =;; if (!client.guildconfig.logs.has( {client.guildconfig.logs.set(, new Map());} client.guildconfig.logs.get(,; return"Log settings updated!") } if (['l', 'list'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { return"Valid log types:\n\n-`msgdelete` - Shows the content of a message that was deleted, in any channel.\n-`msgedit` - Shows both the old and new versions of a message when it is edited."); } if (['v', 'view'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { if (client.guildconfig.logs.has( && client.guildconfig.logs.get( {return`This server's logs: \n\n${function bonk(){let s = ''; Array.from(client.guildconfig.logs.get( => s+=`\`${v}\`: <#${client.guildconfig.logs.get(}>, `); return s;}().slice(0, -2)}`);} else {return"Your server doesn't have any logs set up at the moment, or they aren't cached. If you keep seeing this issue even after setting logs, please contact my developers!");} } if (['c', 'clear'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { } } };