# Natsuki The official repository of Natsuki the Discord Bot. Currently in the Early Development phase, and is expected to release to a few servers and eventually bot lists relatively soon. ## Utils *Some useful stuff we have in our bot that you can make use of!* Just about anything in the utils folder could be useful for a number of reasons, but here's a few big ones: ### Tags > util/tagfilter.js and util/tag.js Pass in a list of Tags. Each Tag has a list of triggers, its name, then its mode. - `toggle` = takes no options. If the tag is present, it will view as `true` in `options`. - `append` = forms a string from the text after the tag. `-title Something Cool` will return the string `Something Cool`. Will append from all tags that trigger the alias, so if multiple `title` tags are present, all of them will be present in the same string. - `listAppend` = Behaves like `append`, with the exception that it will return a list where each member is a string for every time the tag is used; see example below ```js let options = new TagFilter([ new Tag(['t', '-title'], 'title', 'append'), new Tag(['a', 'aliases', 'alts'], 'aliases', 'listAppend'), new Tag(['f', 'force'], 'force', 'toggle') ]).test(args.join(" ")); // -title Example -a AnotherName -a Some other name -f // options will look like this { title: "Example", aliases: ["AnotherName", "Some other name"], force: true } ``` ### Quick awaitMessages > util/ask.js Ask a question and wait for an answer. Returns the string of the user's response, or nothing if there was no response. **Function is asynchronous!** *Please make sure you account for the chance of timeout.* Pass in your `message` object, the question to ask, the time - in ms - the user has to respond, and an optional boolean of whether or not to disable the filter, which would make it so that any user can answer the question. ```js let name = await ask(message, "What is your name?", 30000); if (!name) {return;} // Function already sends a timeout message, just return here to stop the command from continuing. return message.channel.send(`Hiya there, ${name}!`); ```