const Discord = require('discord.js'); const UserData = require('../models/user'); module.exports = async (message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) => { let botData = await require('../models/bot').findOne({finder: 'lel'}); botData.commands = botData.commands + 1;; let tu = await UserData.findOne({uid:}) || new UserData({uid:}); tu.commands++; if (tu.commands > 50 && !tu.msg) { await{embeds: [new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setThumbnail(client.user.displayAvatarURL({size: 2048})) .setDescription(`Hey there **${}**! Looks like you've used my commands over **50 times**${tu.commands > 51 ? ` (${tu.commands} to be exact)` : ''}!\nI hope you're enjoying the wonderful things I have to offer, because I've enjoyed offering them to you.`) .addField("What next?", "If you're enjoying what I do, you can [join my support server]( to leave feedback and say hi to my developers. You can also consider [giving the repository a star]( to show your support! I look forward to my time with you in the future <:hearty:812130944319750144>") .setFooter({text: "Natsuki"}) .setTimestamp() .setColor('c375f0') ]}).catch(() => {}); tu.msg = true; } await; };