const Monners = require('../../models/monners'); const Chests = require('../../models/chests'); const manyitems = require('manyitems'); const Discord = require('discord.js'); module.exports = async (client, member, channel, prefix) => { if (client.misc.cache.chestsTimeout.has( && new Date().getTime() - client.misc.cache.chestsTimeout.get( < (1000 * 60 * 2)) {return;} //let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); //if (rand !== 69) {return;} //decide if it even continues let tm = await Monners.findOne({uid:}); let streak = tm && tm.daily ? tm.daily.streak : 0; //get streak for bonus later let rarities = [ //decide rarity { rarity: 100, name: 'Common', color: '586269', amount: 40 }, { rarity: 40, name: 'Uncommon', color: '449e77', amount: 120 }, { rarity: 20, name: 'Rare', color: '459dcc', amount: 300 }, { rarity: 10, name: 'Legendary', color: '7951bd', amount: 750 }, { rarity: 1, name: 'Epic', color: 'c7a756', amount: 1250 }, { rarity: 0.02, name: 'Godly', color: 'fa25be', amount: 20000 } ]; let rareNum = (Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000)) / 100; let rarity; for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(rarities).length; i++) { //loop that reassigns to a higher rarity until the rarity value is lower than its requirement if (rareNum < (100 - rarities[i].rarity)) {break;} else {rarity = rarities[i];} } let ri = new manyitems.Random("bubble", undefined, { min: rarity.amount - (rarity.amount * .10), max: rarity.amount + (rarity.amount * .10) + (rarity.amount * .10 * 1.25 * streak) }); let streakBonus = streak !== 0 ? Math.floor((Math.floor(Math.random() * (rarity.amount * .10)) * 1.5 * streak)) : 0; let amount = ri.calc_bubble() + streakBonus; //calculate the amount by allowing a 10% +/- variance, higher potential with higher streak, and adding another random bonus with streak let chests = await Chests.findOne({gid:}); if (!chests) {return;} let spawnChannel = && ? : channel; client.misc.cache.chestsTimeout.set(, new Date().getTime()); let chestEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`${, true)} Chest has spawned!`) .setDescription(`It has **${amount} Monners<:monners:926736756047495218>**`) .setFooter({text: `Type \`${prefix}claim\` to claim it!`}) .setColor(rarity.color) //create the chest message if (spawnChannel === channel) {return channel.send({embeds: [chestEmbed]}).catch(() => {});} else { member.guild.channels.fetch(spawnChannel) .then(ch => ch.send({embeds: [chestEmbed]}).catch(() => {})) .catch(() => {}) } return spawnChannel.send({embeds: [chestEmbed]}); //spawn the chest };