const Discord = require('discord.js'); const UserData = require('../models/user'); const {TagFilter} = require('../util/tagfilter'); const {Tag} = require('../util/tag'); module.exports = { name: "setstatus", aliases: ['sst'], meta: { category: 'Developer', description: "Set my public status. Don't make me say something weird! (Also only available to devs, of course.)", syntax: '`setstatus <-s status> <-t type>`', extra: "You can check if a user is an admin without being a developer." }, tags: [], help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> Status-Setting") .setDescription("Sets the bot's status") .addField("Syntax", "`setstatus <-s status> <-t type>`") .addField('Notice', "This command is **developer-only**"), async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}setstatus <-s status> <-t type>\``);} let tu = await UserData.findOne({uid:}); if (!tu || !tu.developer) {return"You must be a Natsuki developer in order to do that!");} let options = new TagFilter([ new Tag(['s', 'status', 'm', 'msg', 'message'], 'status', 'append'), new Tag(['t', 'type'], 'type', 'append') ]).test(args.join(" ")); if (!options.status || !options.status.length) {return"You must use the -status tag (and -type if you want a custom type)!");} if (options.status.length > 30) {return message.reply("That status is a bit too long.");} if (options.type) {if (!['playing', 'watching', 'listening'].includes(options.type.toLowerCase())) {return"That's not a valid type!");}} if (options.type) {client.user.setActivity(options.status, {type: options.type.toUpperCase()});} else {client.user.setActivity(options.status);} return`Status set to: \`${options.type ? `${options.type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${options.type.slice(1).toLowerCase()}${options.type && options.type.toLowerCase() == 'listening'} ` ? 'to ' : '' : ''}${options.status}\`.`); } };