import {TextChannel, Message, MessageEmbed, Client, MessageReaction, ReactionCollector, DiscordAPIError} from 'discord.js'; export class Pagination { channel: TextChannel; message: Message; pages: MessageEmbed[]; originalMessage: Message; currentPage: number; client: Client; loopPages: boolean = true; controllers: ControllerData = {enabled: false, endTime: null, collector: null, lastInteraction: null}; timeoutInterval: any; constructor (channel: TextChannel, pages: MessageEmbed[], originalMessage: Message, client: Client, loopPages?: boolean, message?: Message) { = channel; this.pages = pages; this.originalMessage = message; this.client = client; this.currentPage = 0; if (message) {this.message = message;} if (loopPages) {this.loopPages = loopPages;} }; public async setPage(page: number): Promise { if (this.pages.length < page + 1) {} if (!this.message) { let tempm = await{embeds: [new MessageEmbed().setDescription("One moment...")]}) .catch(() => {this.originalMessage.reply("There seemed to be a problem doing that..."); return this;}); if (tempm instanceof Pagination) {return this;} else {this.message = tempm;} } await this.message.edit({embeds: [this.pages[page] .setFooter({text: `Natsuki | Page ${page + 1} of ${this.pages.length}`, iconURL: this.client.user.displayAvatarURL()}) .setTimestamp()] }); this.currentPage = page; return this; }; public async nextPage(): Promise { await this.setPage(typeof this.currentPage === "number" ? this.currentPage + 1 == this.pages.length ? this.loopPages ? 0 : this.currentPage : this.currentPage + 1 : 0 ); return this; }; public async prevPage(): Promise { await this.setPage(typeof this.currentPage === "number" ? this.currentPage === 0 ? this.loopPages ? this.pages.length - 1 : 0 : this.currentPage - 1 : this.pages.length - 1 ); return this; }; public addPage(page: MessageEmbed): Pagination { this.pages.push(page); return this; }; public replacePage(index: number, page: MessageEmbed): Pagination { if (index < 0) {throw new RangeError("replacePage() param 'index' must be a value greater than 0");} if (index > this.pages.length - 1) {throw new RangeError("replacePage() param 'index' must be a value corresponding to an index that already exists in this instance's pages.");} this.pages[index] = page; return this; }; public async setControllers(endTime: number, user?: 'any' | string, extraControls?: ExtraControls): Promise { if (this.controllers.enabled) {return;} await this.message.react('⬅'); await this.message.react('➡'); await this.message.react('⏹'); let emoji = ['⬅', '➡', '⏹']; let filter = user && user.toLowerCase().trim() !== 'any' ? (r: MessageReaction, u) => {return === user.trim() && emoji.includes(;} : (r: MessageReaction) => {return emoji.includes(;}; this.controllers.collector = this.message.createReactionCollector({filter: filter, time: 450000}); this.controllers.collector.on('collect', async (r: MessageReaction) => { let functions = { '⬅': () => {return this.prevPage();}, '➡': () => {return this.nextPage();}, '⏹': () => {return this.endControllers();} } this.controllers.lastInteraction = new Date(); return functions[](); }); this.controllers.enabled = true; this.controllers.endTime = endTime; this.controllers.lastInteraction = new Date(); this.timeoutInterval = setInterval(() => { if (new Date().getTime() - this.controllers.lastInteraction.getTime() > this.controllers.endTime && this.controllers.enabled) {return this.endControllers();} }, this.controllers.endTime); return this; }; public async updateControllers(): Promise {return this;}; public async endControllers(): Promise { if (this.message.guild) {await this.message.reactions.removeAll().catch(() => {});} this.controllers.collector.stop(); let fe = this.getCurrentPage(); fe.setDescription(`${fe.description && fe.description.length ? `${fe.description}\n\n` : ''}*This menu has ended, start a new one to interact with it!*`); fe.setFooter({text: `Menu Ended${fe.footer && fe.footer.text && fe.footer.text.length ? ` | ${fe.footer.text}` : ''}`, iconURL: this.client.user.displayAvatarURL()}); await this.message.edit({embeds: [fe]}); clearInterval(this.timeoutInterval); return this; }; public async start(options?: {endTime?: number, time?: number, startPage?: number, user?: 'any' | string}): Promise { if (options && options.time) {options.endTime = options.time;} await this.setPage(options && options.startPage ? options.startPage : 0); await this.setControllers(options && options.endTime ? options.endTime : 60, options && options.user ? options.user : 'any'); return this; }; public async stop(): Promise { return await this.endControllers(); }; public getCurrentPage(): MessageEmbed {return this.pages[this.currentPage];} } interface ExtraControls { } interface ControllerData { endTime: number, enabled: boolean, lastInteraction: Date, collector: ReactionCollector }