"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.SlashManager = void 0; const fs = require("fs"); const rest_1 = require("@discordjs/rest"); const v9_1 = require("discord-api-types/v9"); class SlashManager { constructor(client, commands, testServer) { this.beforeHandle = () => { }; this.afterHandle = () => { }; this.initialized = false; this.client = client; this.commands = commands || []; if (this.testServerId) { this.testServerId = testServer; } this.rest = new rest_1.REST({ version: '9' }).setToken(this.client.token); } async register(commands) { let trp = commands || this.commands; let tr = Array.isArray(trp) ? this.getCommands(trp) : this.getCommand(trp); return Array.isArray(tr) ? this.rest.put(v9_1.Routes.applicationCommands(this.client.user.id), { body: (() => { let t = []; tr.forEach(trt => t.push(this.commands[trt].command.toJSON())); return t; })() }) : this.commands[tr].registerGlobally(); } ; async devRegister(commands) { if (!this.testServerId) { throw new Error("You tried to register commands to your test server, but don't have a test server ID set. Try running SlashManager#setTestServer() first!"); } let trp = commands || this.commands; let tr = Array.isArray(trp) ? this.getCommands(trp) : this.getCommand(trp); return Array.isArray(tr) ? this.rest.put(v9_1.Routes.applicationGuildCommands(this.client.user.id, this.testServerId), { body: (() => { let t = []; tr.forEach(trt => t.push(this.commands[trt].command.toJSON())); return t; })() }) : this.commands[tr].registerToServer([this.testServerId]); } ; add(command, register) { this.commands.push(command); if (register) { command.register(typeof register === 'boolean' ? 'global' : register); } return this; } ; remove(commands) { let trp = commands || this.commands; let tr = Array.isArray(trp) ? this.getCommands(trp) : this.getCommand(trp); if (Array.isArray(tr)) { tr.forEach(t => { this.commands.splice(t, 1); }); } else { this.commands.splice(tr, 1); } return this; } ; getCommand(command) { let res; if (typeof command === "string") { this.commands.forEach(cmd => { if (cmd.name === command) { res = cmd; } }); if (!res) { throw new Error(`Name '${command}' doesn't match any commands in your SlashManager.`); } } else { if (!this.commands.includes(command)) { throw new Error(`The command you provided (with name '${command.name}') doesn't exist`); } res = command; } return this.commands.indexOf(res); } ; getCommands(commands) { let res = []; commands.forEach((cmd) => res.push(this.getCommand(cmd))); return res; } ; init() { if (this.initialized) { this.disableHandling(); } this.client.on("interactionCreate", (interaction) => this.handle(interaction)); return this; } ; disableHandling() { this.client.removeListener('interactionCreate', this.handle); return this; } ; setBeforeHandle(execute) { this.beforeHandle = execute; this.init(); return this; } ; setAfterHandle(execute) { this.afterHandle = execute; this.init(); return this; } ; setTestServer(id) { this.testServerId = id; return this; } ; async handle(interaction) { this.beforeHandle(this.client, interaction); let success = true; // @ts-ignore let defaultPrefix = this.client.misc.config.dev ? 'n!' : 'n?'; try { await this.commands[this.getCommand(interaction.commandName)] .respond(this.client, interaction, interaction.inGuild() ? interaction.guild : false, // @ts-ignore interaction.inGuild() ? this.client.guildconfig.prefixes.has(interaction.guild.id) ? this.client.guildconfig.prefixes.get(interaction.guild.id) !== null ? this.client.guildconfig.prefixes.get(interaction.guild.id) : defaultPrefix : defaultPrefix : defaultPrefix).catch((e) => { console.log(e); success = false; }); } catch (e) { success = false; } this.afterHandle(this.client, interaction, success); } ; importCommands(register = false, dir = './slash', log = () => { }) { const search = (toSearch) => { let cdir = fs.readdirSync(toSearch); const commands = cdir.filter(file => file.endsWith('.js')); for (const command of commands) { const slashCommand = require(`../${toSearch}/${command}`)(this.client); this.add(slashCommand, register); log(slashCommand, this); } const subdirs = cdir.filter(file => fs.lstatSync(`${toSearch}/${file}`).isDirectory()); subdirs.forEach(subdir => search(`${toSearch}/${subdir}`)); }; search(dir); return this; } ; } exports.SlashManager = SlashManager;