const Discord = require('discord.js'); const GuildLists = require("../../models/guildlist"); const Checklists = require("../../models/checklist"); const ask = require('../../util/ask'); const makeId = require('../../util/makeid'); module.exports = { name: "checklist", aliases: ['chl', 'list'], meta: { category: 'Utility', description: "Create and manage checklists, which let you manage tasks for server members", syntax: '`checklist `', extra: null, guildOnly: true }, help: new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Help -> Checklists") .setDescription("Checklists manage large goals for your server, for any purpose, and can be assigned tasks, members, and more.") .addField("Creation", "Use `checklist admin` to toggle admin-locked checklist creation, making it so only admins can make checklists.") .addField("Syntax", "`checklist `"), async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) { if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}checklist \``);} const o = args[0].toLowerCase(); if (['c', 'new', 'create'].includes(o)) { let gl = await GuildLists.findOne({gid:}); if (gl && gl.admin && !message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")) {return"You must be a server administrator in order to make new lists!");} if (gl && gl.lists.length == 15) {return"Your server has reached the checklist maximum of 15!");} const name = await ask(message, "What would you like to call this checklist?", 60000); if (!name) {return;} if (name.length > 50) {return"Your list's name is too long!");} const desc = await ask(message, "What is the main purpose of this list?", 120000); if (!desc) {return;} if (desc.length > 400) {return"Please shorten that description a little!");} let image = null; let conf = await ask(message, "Would you like to add an image to your list?", 60000); if (!conf) {return;} if (['yes', 'ye', 'y', 'sure'].includes(conf.trim().toLowerCase())) { image = await ask(message, `Please paste the image or a link to the image you'd like to add to your new checklist.`, 60000, false, true); if (!image || !image.match(/^https:\/\/(?:[\w\-].?)+[\/\w\-%()_]+\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp)$/gm)) {return"I don't think that's an image. Try again?");} } if (!gl) {gl = new GuildLists({gid:});} } } };