diff --git a/commands/anime/anime.js b/commands/anime/anime.js index 1f0f664..97110b8 100644 --- a/commands/anime/anime.js +++ b/commands/anime/anime.js @@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ module.exports = { amEmbed.addField("Reviewed", `Reviewed and submitted by <@${message.author.id}>`); client.misc.cache.anime.set(options.name, options.id); client.misc.cache.anime.set(options.japname, options.id); + client.misc.cache.animeID.set(options.id, options.name); } else {amEmbed.addField("ID", options.id);} amEmbed.setAuthor(!queue ? "Anime Added" : "Anime Submitted", message.author.avatarURL()); @@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ module.exports = { }); rc.on("end", collected => {if (!collected.size) {return message.author.send("Looks like you ran out of time! Try again?");}}); } catch {return message.author.send("Hmm... there was some kind of error when I tried to submit that anime. Try again, and if it keeps not working, then go yell at my devs!");} + return; } if (['s', 'search'].includes(args[0].trim().toLowerCase())) { diff --git a/commands/anime/char.js b/commands/anime/char.js index 417c175..01811f3 100644 --- a/commands/anime/char.js +++ b/commands/anime/char.js @@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ module.exports = { if (!queue) { amEmbed.addField("Reviewed", `Reviewed and submitted by <@${message.author.id}>`); client.misc.cache.chars.set(options.name, options.id); + client.misc.cache.charsID.set(options.id, options.name); } else {amEmbed.addField("ID", options.id);} amEmbed.setAuthor(!queue ? "Character Added" : "Character Submitted", message.author.avatarURL()); @@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ module.exports = { }); rc.on("end", collected => {if (!collected.size) {return message.author.send("Looks like you ran out of time! Try again?");}}); } catch {return message.author.send("Hmm... there was some kind of error when I tried to submit that character. Try again, and if it keeps not working, then go yell at my devs!");} + return; } + if (['s', 'search'].includes(args[0].trim().toLowerCase())) { args.shift(); if (!args[0]) { @@ -200,6 +203,7 @@ module.exports = { } return; } + if (['v', 'view'].includes(args[0].trim().toLowerCase())) { args.shift(); if (!args[0]) { @@ -217,6 +221,7 @@ module.exports = { } return; } + if (['reject'].includes(args[0].trim().toLowerCase())) { let tu = await UserData.findOne({uid: message.author.id}); if (!tu || !tu.staff) {await message.channel.send("Since you aren't a Natsuki Staff member, you can't reject character submissions!");} @@ -227,10 +232,12 @@ module.exports = { .then(() => {return message.channel.send("I got that submission out of here!");}) .catch(() => {return message.reply("It seems that submission wasn't deleted for some reason. \*insert head scratching*");}); } + if (['r', 'rand', 'random', 'any'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { let asr = await chs(message, client, client.misc.cache.chars.random(), -100000); return await message.channel.send({embeds: [asr.embed]}); } + if (['l', 'love', 'favorite', 'fav'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { args.shift(); if (!args[0]) { @@ -274,6 +281,7 @@ module.exports = { cf.save(); return message.channel.send(`I've added **${tfc.name}** to your loved/favorited character list!`); } + if (['loved', 'favorites', 'favs'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { let cf = await CF.findOne({uid: mention ? mention.id : message.author.id}); if (!cf || !cf.loved.length) {return message.channel.send(`Looks like ${mention ? 'they' : 'you'} haven't favorited any characters!`);} @@ -290,6 +298,76 @@ module.exports = { ]}); } + if (['i', 'im', 'img', 'image'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) { + args.shift(); + if (!args[0]) { + let tempchar = await ask(message, "What character would you like to add to add an image to?", 60000, false, true); + if (!tempchar) {return;} + args = tempchar.split(/\s+/g); + } + let asr = await chs(message, client, args.join(" ").trim().toLowerCase(), -700); + let fn; + if (asr === 0) { + return message.channel.send("That search returned no results! Try again?"); + } else if (asr instanceof Pagination) { + await asr.start({user: message.author.id, startPage: 1, endTime: 60000}); + await asr.message.react('✅'); + await message.channel.send("React with :white_check_mark: when you've found the character you want!"); + let arc; + try {arc = await asr.message.awaitReactions({filter: (r, u) => ['✅', '⏹'].includes(r.emoji.name), max: 1, errors: ['time']});} + catch {return message.reply("Looks like you didn't find the character you were looking for.");} + collected = arc.first().emoji.name; + if (collected === '✅') { + fn = client.misc.cache.chars.get(asr.getCurrentPage().title.trim()); + asr.stop(); + } + else {return message.reply("Looks like you didn't find the character you were looking for.");} + } else { + await message.channel.send({embeds: [asr.embed]}); + let conf = await ask(message, "Is this the character you meant?", 60000); + if (!['y', 'yes', 'ye', 'n', 'no'].includes(conf.trim().toLowerCase())) {clearDM(); return dmch.send("You must specify yes or no! Please try again.");} + conf = ['y', 'yes', 'ye'].includes(conf.trim().toLowerCase()); + if (!conf) {return message.channel.send("Well, I've got nothing, then. If that doesn't match the character you're looking for then I would try again with a more narrow search.");} + fn = asr.id; + } + let tu = await UserData.findOne({uid: message.author.id}); + let queue = false; + if (!tu || !tu.staff) { + message.channel.send("This image will be __submitted__ for reviewal."); + queue = true; + } + let ch = await Char.findOne({id: fn}); + args.shift(); + if (!args[0]) { + let tempchar = message.attachments.size + ? message.attachments.first().url + : await ask(message, "Please paste the image or a link to the image you'd like to add.", 60000, false, true); + if (!tempchar) {return;} + args = tempchar.split(/\s+/g); + } + let img = args.join(" "); + if (!img.match(/^https:\/\/(?:[\w\-].?)+[\/\w\-\%\(\)_]+\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp)$/gm)) {return message.channel.send("I don't think that's an image. Try again?");} + if (!queue) { + ch.images.push(img); + ch.markModified('images'); + ch.save(); + } + client.guilds.fetch('762707532417335296').then(g => g.channels.cache.get('817466729293938698').send({ + embeds: [ + new Discord.MessageEmbed() + .setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.avatarURL()) + .setTitle(`New Image ${queue ? "Submitted" : "Added"}`) + .setDescription(`For **${ch.name}** | \`${ch.id}\` from ${client.misc.cache.animeID.get(ch.anime)}`) + .setThumbnail(ch.thumbnail) + .setImage(img) + .setColor('c375f0') + .setTimestamp() + .setFooter("Natsuki") + ], content: queue ? '<@330547934951112705>' : undefined + }).catch(() => {})).catch(() => {}); + return message.channel.send(`Character image ${queue ? "submitted" : "added"}.`); + } + return message.channel.send(`Invalid arg! Syntax: \`${prefix}char \``); } }; \ No newline at end of file