diff --git a/commands/misc/emoji.js b/commands/misc/emoji.js index a980907..c115891 100644 --- a/commands/misc/emoji.js +++ b/commands/misc/emoji.js @@ -43,7 +43,46 @@ module.exports = { let emojiList = new Pagination(message.channel, emoteEmbeds, message, client, true); return emojiList.start({user: message.author.id, endTime: 60000}); } - if (!args[0].match(/^$|^\d+$/gm)) {return message.channel.send("That doesn't seem to be a valid emoji! (Standard Discord emojis don't count :p )");} + if (!args[0].match(/^$|^\d+$/gm)) { + if (args[0].length > 25) {return message.channel.send("That doesn't seem to be a valid emoji! (Standard Discord emojis don't count :p )");} + let lookup = client.emojis.cache.filter(e => (args[0].length > 4 && e.name.toLowerCase().includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) || e.name.toLowerCase() === args[0].toLowerCase()); + if (!lookup.size) {return message.channel.send("I tried to find some emojis that matched that name, but couldn't find anything. Maybe you didn't give an emoji to begin with?");} + let emotes = Array.from(lookup.values()); + if (lookup.size > 20) { + let pages = []; + let x = 0; + while (true) { + let cond = false; + let page = ''; + for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { + if (emotes[(x * 20) + i] === undefined) {cond = true; break;} + page += `<${emotes[(x * 20) + i].animated ? 'a' : ''}:${emotes[(x * 20) + i].name}:${emotes[(x * 20) + i].id}> \`:${emotes[(x * 20) + i].name}:\` -> ${emotes[(x * 20) + i].id}\n`; + if ((x * 20) + i >= emotes.length) {cond = true; break;} + } + pages.push(new Discord.MessageEmbed() + .setTitle(`Emoji Lookup Results [${(x * 20) + 1}-${(x * 20) + 20} of ${lookup.size}]`) + .setDescription(page) + .setColor('c375f0') + .setFooter("Natsuki", client.user.avatarURL()) + .setTimestamp() + ); + if (cond) {break;} + x++; + } + let emojiList = new Pagination(message.channel, pages, message, client, true); + return emojiList.start({user: message.author.id, endTime: 60000}); + } else { + let page = ''; + for (let i = 0; i < lookup.size; i++) {page += `<${emotes[i].animated ? 'a' : ''}:${emotes[i].name}:${emotes[i].id}> \`:${emotes[i].name}:\` -> ${emotes[i].id}\n`;} + return message.channel.send(new Discord.MessageEmbed() + .setTitle(`Emoji Lookup Results - ${lookup.size}`) + .setDescription(page) + .setColor('c375f0') + .setFooter("Natsuki", client.user.avatarURL()) + .setTimestamp() + ); + } + } let name; let id; let animated; let url; let access = false; if (args[0].match(/^$/)) {