.setTitle(["Yep, that's me!","^^ Hiya!","Oh, hi there!","Sure, what's up?","How can I help!","Natsuki is busy, but I can take a message for you!","Teehee that's me!","You were looking for Natsuki Tivastl, right?","Sure! What's up?","Pong!"][Math.floor(Math.random()*10)])
.setDescription(`My prefix here is \`${prefix}\`. Use \`${prefix}help\` to see what commands you can use.`)
message.reply('Hey there! You asked me to clear your status when you send a message next, so I went ahead and did that for you.').then(m=>{setTimeout(()=>{m.delete();},5000);});
message.reply('Hey there! You asked me to clear your status when you send a message next, so I went ahead and did that for you.').then(m=>{setTimeout(()=>{m.delete().catch(()=>{});},5000);}).catch(()=>{});
if(message.guild&&client.misc.cache.bl.guild.includes(message.guild.id)){returnmessage.channel.send("Your server has been blacklisted from using my commands! Shame, tsk tsk");}
if(client.misc.cache.bl.user.includes(message.author.id)){returnmessage.channel.send("You've been blacklisted from using my commands! Now what'd ya do to deserve that??");}
if(message.guild&&client.misc.cache.bl.guild.includes(message.guild.id)){returnmessage.channel.send("Your server has been blacklisted from using my commands! Shame, tsk tsk").catch(()=>{});}
if(client.misc.cache.bl.user.includes(message.author.id)){returnmessage.channel.send("You've been blacklisted from using my commands! Now what'd ya do to deserve that??").catch(()=>{});}
if(message.guild&&!message.channel.permissionsFor(client.user.id).has('SEND_MESSAGES')){returnmessage.author.send(`You tried to run the \`${command.name}\` command, but I don't seem to be able to send messages in <#${message.channel.id}>, so I can't do that!`).catch(()=>{});};
if(command.meta&&command.meta.guildOnly&&!message.guild){returnmessage.channel.send("You must be in a server to use this command!");}
if(command.meta&&command.meta.guildOnly&&!message.guild){returnmessage.channel.send("You must be in a server to use this command!").catch(()=>{});}