.setDescription("Configure your server's log settings.\n\nLogs will update you on events in your server that have the potential to require moderator intervention, like someone deleting a hateful message before you can see it or a misbehaving moderator kicking/banning a member when they aren't supposed to.")
if((!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR"))&&(!tg||!tg.staffrole||!tg.staffrole.length||!message.member.roles.cache.has(tg.staffrole))){returnmessage.reply("You must be an administrator or have the specified staff role in this server in order to edit or view log settings.");}
if(args.length<3){returnmessage.channel.send(`You must specify the log type and the channel to send the log to. Use \`${prefix}log list\` to see a list of valid log types.`);}
if(!LogTypes.has(args[1].toLowerCase())){returnmessage.channel.send("That's not a valid log type. Use \`${prefix}log list\` to see a list of valid log types.");}
if(!ch){returnmessage.channel.send("I can't find that channel! Make sure that you've mentioned one, or that the ID you provided is correct, and that I can see it.");}
if(!ch.permissionsFor(client.user.id).has("SEND_MESSAGES")){returnmessage.reply("I don't have permissions to send messages in that channel. Please give me access and try again.");}
returnmessage.channel.send("Valid log types:\n\n-`msgdelete` - Shows the content of a message that was deleted, in any channel.\n-`msgedit` - Shows both the old and new versions of a message when it is edited.");
else{returnmessage.channel.send("Your server doesn't have any logs set up at the moment, or they aren't cached. If you keep seeing this issue even after setting logs, please contact my developers!");}