You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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const Discord = require('discord.js');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const GuildSettings = require('../../models/guild');
module.exports = {
name: "prefix",
help: new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Help -> Prefix")
.setDescription("Changes your server's prefix.")
.addField("Syntax", "`prefix <newPrefix|clear>`")
.addField("Staff Command", "This command requires you to either be admin, or to have the designated staff role.")
4 years ago
.addField("Notice", "Prefixes are cached, and may take up to a minute to update."),
meta: {
category: 'Misc',
description: "Change my prefix in your server.",
syntax: '`prefix <newPrefix|clear>`',
extra: "You can always mention me and then type your command in place of a prefix in case you forget it."
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
if (!message.guild) {return message.reply("This is a guild-only command!");}
let tguild = await GuildSettings.findOne({gid:})
? await GuildSettings.findOne({gid:})
: new GuildSettings({gid:});
if (!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR") && (!tguild.staffrole.length || !message.guild.roles.cache.has(tguild.staffrole) || !message.member.roles.cache.has(tguild.staffrole))) {return message.reply("You don't have the permissions to use this command here.");}
if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix} <newPrefix|clear>\`. My current prefix in this server is \`${tguild.prefix.length ? tguild.prefix : 'n?'}\``);}
let np = args[0];
if (np.length > 7) {return message.reply("Hmmm, that prefix is a bit long. Try making something smaller!");}
if (!np.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9,.!?<>\-_+=/;$#%^&*]+$/)) {return message.reply('Your custom prefix contains some *wonky* characters. Please use only alphanumerics and basic symbols.');}
tguild.prefix = ['c', 'clear', 'n', 'none'].includes(np.trim().toLowerCase()) ? '' : np;;
if (['c', 'clear', 'n', 'none'].includes(np.trim().toLowerCase())) {
client.guildconfig.prefixes.set(, null);
return message.reply('this server\'s prefix has been reset to the default, `n?`.');
client.guildconfig.prefixes.set(, np);
let upm = await message.reply("sure thing!");
await require('../../util/wait')(1750);
3 years ago
return upm.edit({embeds: [new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor({name: 'Prefix updated!', iconURL:})
4 years ago
.setDescription(`New prefix: \`${np}\``)
.addField('Auditing Admin', `<@${}>`, true)
.addField("Notice", "Prefixes are cached, and may take up to a minute to update.")
.setFooter({text: "Natsuki", iconURL: client.user.avatarURL()})
4 years ago
3 years ago