.addField("Important Notice","You must be a server administrator in order to use this command. Please know that local leveling systems can cost a great deal of our database storage space when used on larger servers, so please only enable this feature **if you will actually make use of it**, not just for fun."),
if(!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")){returnmessage.channel.send("You must be a **server administrator** in order to use this command.");}
if(awaitLXP.findOne({gid:message.guild.id})){returnmessage.channel.send("Your leveling is already set up!");}//TODO add message to lead to disable cmd when complete
am=awaitmessage.channel.send("Would you like to enable :thumbsup: or disable :thumbsdown: level up messages? (You can specify a set channel for this later.)");
}catch{returnmessage.channel.send(":thinking: hmmm... something went wrong there. I might not have permissions to add reactions to messages, and this could be the issue.");}
.setDescription(`Your server now has its leveling system enabled! If you enabled level up messages, you can set the channel for that using \`${prefix}levelchannel\`.\n\nAll members of your server will now gain XP as they talk. I'm a smart cookie, so don't try spamming. It won't work. Every member can gain more XP once per minute, no matter how many messages they send in that one minute.\n\nIf you want to see your level and how much more XP you need to level up, run \`${prefix}stats\`.`)
rc.on("end",collected=>{if(!collected.size){returnmessage.channel.send("Looks like you ran out of time! Try again?");}});
}catch{returnmessage.channel.send("Hmm... there was some error problem thingy that happened when I tried to enable XP for your server. If it keeps not working, then go yell at my devs!");}