.addField("Notice","You must be a staff or admin in your server to edit these settings.")
.addField("Responses","Your welcome message should be generated through a response using my `response` command, and then bound to the welcome message by providing your response's name."),
description:"Set the channel and message to be sent when a user joins the server.",
syntax:'`welcome <set|clear|view|test>`',
extra:"You'll need to use `response` to configure the message that you want sent with this command. The name you give the response is what you'll give to this command"
if((!tg||!tg.staffrole.length||!message.member.roles.cache.has(tg.staffrole))&&!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")){returnmessage.reply("You can't do that without staff or admin permissions, silly!");}
if(!ch){returnmessage.reply("I can't find that channel!");}
if(!message.guild.channels.cache.get(ch).permissionsFor(client.user.id).has("SEND_MESSAGES")){returnmessage.reply("I can't send messages in that channel. Try fixing the permissions or using a different channel!");}
if(!args[2]){returnmessage.reply(`You have to specify a response to use! You can make one with \`${prefix}response new\`.`);}
if(!tr.responses.has(args[2].toLowerCase())){returnmessage.reply("Silly, I can't welcome someone with a response that doesn't exist! Try making one or make sure you spelled the name correctly.");}
.setDescription(`This server's member-welcoming settings have been altered by ${message.author.tag}.\n\n**Channel**: <#${ch}>\n**Response Name**: \`${args[2].toLowerCase()}\``)
if(!tr||!tr.bindings.has('welcome')||!tr.responses.has(tr.bindings.get('welcome'))){returnmessage.reply("I can't test your welcome message because the response doesn't exist, a welcome response isn't set, or you haven't made any responses in this server.");}