You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const AR = require('../models/ar');
const GuildData = require('../models/guild');
const ask = require('../util/ask');
module.exports = {
name: "ar",
aliases: ['autoresponse', 'autoresponses'],
meta: {
4 years ago
category: 'Misc',
description: "Create and edit automatic responses, which lets the bot say stuff when you say something in your server!",
syntax: '`ar <add|edit|delete|settings>`',
extra: null
4 years ago
help: new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Help -> Auto Responses")
.setDescription("Create and edit automatic responses, which lets the bot say stuff when you say something in your server!")
.addField("Syntax", "`ar <add|edit|delete|settings>`")
.addField("Notice", "This command is server-only, and requires you to be an administrator or have the staff role."),
async execute(message, msg, args, cmd, prefix, mention, client) {
if (!message.guild) {return"You must be in a server in order to use this command.");}
if (!args.length) {return`Syntax: \`${prefix}<add|edit|delete|settings|list>\``);}
const tg = await GuildData.findOne({gid:});
4 years ago
if (['a', 'add', 'e', 'edit', 'delete', 'd'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase()) && ((!tg || !tg.staffrole || !tg.staffrole.length || !message.member.roles.cache.has(tg.staffrole)) && !message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR"))) {return"You must have the staff role or be an administrator in this server in order to edit AR settings.");}
4 years ago
4 years ago
function viewARs(tar) {
let t = tar.triggers;
let ar = tar.ars;
let s = '';
for (let i=0;i<t.length;i++) {s+=``;}
4 years ago
if (['a', 'add'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
let trigger = await ask(message, "What would you like the trigger to be? This is the message that will make your AR work.", 120000); if (!trigger) {return null;}
if (`${trigger}`.length > 150) {return"Your trigger needs to be less than 150 characters, please!");}
let response = await ask(message, "What would you like my response to be?", 120000); if (!response) {return null;}
if (`${response}`.length > 300) {return"Your response needs to be less than 300 characters, please!");}
let tar = await AR.findOne({gid:}) || new AR({gid:});
4 years ago
if (tar.triggers.length === 20) {return"Because of data storage concerns, your ARs are capped at 20 per server. You can join the official support server and talk to the devs if you have a legitimate reason for raising this limit and they can see about raising it for you!");}
4 years ago
let h = false; let ar; for (ar of tar.triggers) {if (ar.toLowerCase() === `${trigger}`.toLowerCase()) {h = true;}}
if (!h) {tar.triggers.push(trigger);}, tar.triggers);
4 years ago
tar.ars[`${trigger}`.trim().toLowerCase()] = `${response}`.trim();
return"AR added!");
4 years ago
4 years ago
if (['e', 'edit'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
if (['d', 'delete'].includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
let tar = await AR.findOne({gid:});
if (!tar || !tar.triggers.length) {return"It's not like this server has any ARs for me to delete in the first place!");}
return`That's not a valid argument! Try \`${prefix}help ar\``);
4 years ago