You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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const LXP = require('../../models/localxp');
module.exports = async (client, member, channel) => {
client.misc.cache.lxp.xp[][member].lastXP = new Date().getTime();
client.misc.cache.lxp.xp[][member].xp += 10;
let x = client.misc.cache.lxp.xp[][member].level;
let max = Math.ceil(100 + (((x / 3) ** 1.4) * 1.3));
if (client.misc.cache.lxp.xp[][member].xp > max) {
client.misc.cache.lxp.xp[][member].xp -= max;
client.misc.cache.lxp.xp[][member].level += 1;
LXP.findOne({gid:}).then(async xp => {
if (!xp || !xp.msg) {return;}
try {
let ch = xp.lvch.length ? channel.guild.channels.cache.get(xp.lvch) : channel;
if (ch.partial) {await ch.fetch().catch(() => {});}
if (ch && ch.permissionsFor('SEND_MESSAGES')) {ch.send(`<:awoo:560193779764559896> <@${member}> has reached **Level ${x + 1}**!`).catch((e) => {/*console.error(e)*/});}
} catch (e) {/*console.error(e);*/}
}).catch((e) => {/*console.error(e);*/})