if(!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")){returnmessage.channel.send("You must have administrator permissions in order to edit these settings.");}
am=awaitmessage.channel.send("Would you like to have me send chests to a specific channel?");
}catch{returnmessage.channel.send(":thinking: hmmm... something went wrong there. I might not have permissions to add reactions to messages, and this could be the issue.");}
letchestCh=awaitask(message,'What channel would you like me to send chests to? (Ideally, people should be able to speak in it so they can claim the chests)',60000,false,true);
if(!message.guild.channels.cache.has(chestCh)||!message.guild.channels.cache.has(chestCh.slice(2,chestCh.length-1))){returnmessage.channel.send("That doesn't seem to be a channel! Try again?");}
rc.on("end",collected=>{if(!collected.size){returnmessage.channel.send("Looks like you ran out of time! Try again?");}});
}catch{returnmessage.channel.send("Hmm... there was some error problem thingy that happened when I tried to enable chest spawning for your server. If it keeps not working, then go yell at my devs!");}