if(!message.guild){returnmessage.reply("Unfortunately, this is a **guild-only** command!");}
if(!args.length){returnmessage.channel.send(`Syntax: \`${prefix}deathnote <@member> [method of death]\``);}
if(args[0]==="kill"||args[0]==="k"){args.shift();}// if someone adds in 'kill' it'll remove it and act like it wasn't there, proceeding as normal.
//if (!args[0].trim().match(/^<@(?:\!?)\d+>$/)) {return message.reply("You have to mention someone!");}
if(mention&&mention.id===message.author.id){returnmessage.reply("Hehe I won't let you write your own name in the notebook! Just leave it somewhere for a few days and someone else will take it. Maybe they'll write your name...");}// users can't mention themselves
if(mention&&mention.id===client.user.id){returnmessage.reply("You can't kill me! Little did you know, I'm actually a death god!");}
if(mention&&mention.bot){returnmessage.reply("As a bot, I simply cannot let you attempt to kill another fellow bot!");}
letreptype=responses[Object.keys(responses)[Math.floor(Math.random()*Object.keys(responses).length)]];// report type
if(death.length>750){returnmessage.channel.send("I'd rather you didn't try to fill the death note with a 7-page double-spaced essay in Times New Roman containing an advanced trajectory theorem on the death of your poor target.");}
if(!mention&&(!options.victim||!options.victim.length)){returnmessage.reply("You have to write their name down in order to kill them! (In other words, please mention the user whose name you wish to write.)");}
.setDescription(`${text}${dns?`\n\n_Their name is in your deathnote **${dns.against[mention.id]===1?'once':`${dns.against[mention.id]} times`}.**_`:''}`)
.setFooter(`Natsuki${dns?` | ${dns.total} name${dns.total===1?' has been':'s'} written in your deathnote!`:''}`)