if(!user){returnmessage.channel.send("You must mention a user to ban, or provide their ID.");}
if(user.roles.highest.position>=message.member.roles.highest.position){returnmessage.channel.send("You don't have permissions to ban that member as they are above you in the roles list.");}
if(user.roles.highest.position>=message.guild.me.roles.highest.position){returnmessage.channel.send("I can't ban that member as their highest role is above mine! (Or the same as mine, too)");}
if(!user.bannable){returnmessage.channel.send("Hmm, it seems like I can't ban that member. This is probably a permissions issue. Or maybe they were already banned?");}
if(isNaN(Number(options.days))||Number(options.days)<0||Number(options.days)>7||options.days.includes('.')){returnmessage.channel.send("The `days` option must be a whole number between 0 and 7.");}
if(options.notes&&options.notes.length>250){returnmessage.channel.send("I mean I get it, they pissed you off, but do you really need to give me that much info on why you're banning them? I can't keep track of all that!");}
if(reason&&reason.length>250){returnmessage.channel.send("I mean I get it, they pissed you off, but do you really need to give me that much info on why you're banning them? I can't keep track of all that!");}