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4 years ago
const LXP = require('../../models/localxp');
const chalk = require('chalk');
4 years ago
module.exports = async (client, spinner) => {
return new Promise(async resolve => {
3 years ago
const st = new Date().getTime();
client.misc.cache.lxp.enabled = [];
client.misc.cache.lxp.disabledChannels = new Map();
client.misc.cache.chests.enabled = new Map();
let amount = 0;
4 years ago
for await (const xp of LXP.find()) {
if (xp.noGains && xp.noGains.length) {client.misc.cache.lxp.disabledChannels.set(xp.gid, xp.noGains);}
spinner.update({text: `${chalk.gray('[PROC]')} >> ${chalk.blueBright(`Cached`)} ${chalk.white(`${amount}`)} ${chalk.blueBright(`guilds with XP enabled.`)}`});
3 years ago
const cacheTime = new Date().getTime() - st;
spinner.update({text: `${spinner.options.text.slice(0, 19).trim()} ${chalk.gray(`${cacheTime}ms >>`.padStart(8, '0').padStart(7, '0'))} ${spinner.options.text.slice(19).trim()}`});
4 years ago