.setDescription("Setup and view information on this server's starboard! This allows messages to be sent to a dedicated channel when they receive a set number of star messages.")
if(['v','view','c','check'].includes(args[0])){returnmessage.reply(tg.starchannel.length?tg.starsenabled?`I'm watching for stars in <#${tg.starchannel}>. Messages will be Starred when they receive ${tg.starreq} :star: reactions.`:"StarBoard has been set up for this server, but isn't enabled at this time.":"StarBoard has not yet been set up in this server. You can do so with `"+prefix+"starboard setup`.");}
if((tg.staffrole.length&&!message.member.roles.cache.has(tg.staffrole))&&!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")){returnmessage.channel.send("You don't have permissions to edit starboard settings in this server!");}
if(tg.starchannel.length){message.channel.send("You already have a starboard set up in your server! This means that by continuing the setup, you'll be overwriting your previous settings.");}
letch=awaitask(message,'What channel would you like the starboard to be in? (Time: 30s)',30000);if(!ch){return;}
else{returnmessage.reply("Please specify a channel that actually exists! Try again.");}
letstarNum=awaitask(message,'How many stars should be reacted to a message in order for it to be starred? Please just send a number. (Time: 30s)',30000);if(!starNum){return;}
if(isNaN(Number(starNum))){returnmessage.reply("That isn't a number! Please try again.");}
if(starNum<3){returnmessage.reply("You need to have at least 3 stars. Try again");}
if(starNum>100){returnmessage.reply("You can't require more than 100 stars! Try again.");}
returnmessage.channel.send(`Got it! I will now be watching for messages with at least ${starNum} reactions, and I'll send them to <#${tg.starchannel}>!`);